League of Legends' first major event for 2023, titled Lunar Revel, officially kicked off on January 12 across the world. This marks the Chinese New Year celebration and is also an event that takes place on an annual basis.
League of Legends' first major event for 2023, titled Lunar Revel, officially kicked off on January 12 across the world. This marks the Chinese New Year celebration and is also an event that takes place on an annual basis.
This year, Riot Games has released several new skins for Epic and Legendary champions, two Prestige skins, and an exciting battle pass for the player base to enjoy. All of the rewards that can be obtained as well as the event missions that players can participate in during Lunar Revel 2023 have been listed in this article.
Lunar Revel is arguably one of the biggest and most celebrated events within League of Legends as it spans for over a month and provides players with additional objectives to meet, besides simple wins and losses.
Complete details of the League of Legends Lunar Revel event for season 13
League of Legends' Lunar Revel event for season 13 began on January 12, 2022, at 1:00 pm (PT) and will remain accessible until February 20, 2023, at 11:59 pm (PT). Fortunately, the event's special shop will only close on February 27, 2023, at 1:00 pm (PT).
It has been divided into two separate portions, with the first section, which began on January 12, called Mythmaker, while the second part, which is set to begin on January 27, is called Lunar Revel.
Lunar Revel 2023 Event Pass
League of Legends players will now be able to purchase the Lunar Revel event pass for 1650 RP. Upon doing so, they will gain instant access to 200 Mythmaker Tokens and four Mythmaker Orbs. In addition to this, the premium battle pass will be unlocked as well.
For players interested in the premium option, they can buy the Lunar Revel 2023 bundle for 2650 RP. This bundle will offer all of the rewards mentioned above as well as the champion Sivir and her brand new Mythmaker skin alongside a border and icon.
Rewards from the League of Legends Lunar Revel 2023 Event Pass
All rewards from the Lunar Revel 2023 Event Pass are provided in the table below:
0 | 200 Tokens | 4 Mythmaker Orbs |
1 | 20 Tokens | |
2 | 60 Tokens | 1000 Blue Essence |
3 | 20 Tokens | |
4 | 20 Tokens | Mythmaker Rabbit Icon |
5 | 60 Tokens | |
6 | 20 Tokens | Mythmaker Bunny Icon |
7 | 60 Tokens | |
8 | 20 Tokens | 10 Win XP Boost |
9 | 20 Tokens | |
10 | 60 Tokens | 5 Mythic Essence |
11 | 20 Tokens | |
12 | 20 Tokens | Mystery Ward |
13 | 60 Tokens | |
14 | 20 Tokens | Lucky Wink Emote |
15 | 60 Tokens | |
16 | 20 Tokens | Lantern Release Emote |
17 | 60 Tokens | |
18 | 20 Tokens | 625 Orange Essence |
19 | 20 Tokens | |
20 | 60 Tokens | 5 Mythic Essence |
21 | 20 Tokens | |
22 | 20 Tokens | Mythmaker Orb |
23 | 60 Tokens | |
24 | 20 Tokens | Opera Hands Emote |
25 | 60 Tokens | |
26 | 20 Tokens | Eternals Series 1 Capsule |
27 | 60 Tokens | |
28 | 20 Tokens | Mystery Emote |
29 | 20 Tokens | |
30 | 60 Tokens | Mythmaker Grab Bag |
31 | 20 Tokens | |
32 | 20 Tokens | 5 Mythic Essence |
33 | 60 Tokens | |
34 | 20 Tokens | 2000 Blue Essence |
35 | 60 Tokens | |
36 | 20 Tokens | Tea Sip Emote |
37 | 60 Tokens | |
38 | 20 Tokens | Masterwork Chest & Key |
39 | 20 Tokens | |
40 | 60 Tokens | 625 Orange Essence |
41 | 20 Tokens | |
42 | 20 Tokens | 10 Mythic Essence |
43 | 60 Tokens | |
44 | 20 Tokens | Mythmaker Orb |
45 | 60 Tokens | |
46 | 20 Tokens | Lunar Revel 2023 Banner Skin |
47 | 60 Tokens | |
48 | 20 Tokens | Masterwork Chest & Key |
49 | 20 Tokens | |
50 | 60 Tokens | Mythmaker Grab Bag |
51 | 20 Tokens (Repeatable) | |
52 | 20 Tokens (Repeatable) | |
53 | 20 Tokens (Repeatable) | |
54 | 20 Tokens (Repeatable) | |
55 | 20 Tokens (Repeatable) |
It should be noted here that by the time players hit tier 50, they will have 2000 tokens, which should be enough to purchase the Mythmaker Sivir Prestige skin.
To obtain all of the rewards mentioned above, players will have to complete certain event missions, which have been listed in the tables below.
It's important to mention that pass owners will also gain access to a repeatable mission where they'll get 200 Event Pass XP for 200 points, irrespective of whether they win or lose the game.
Mythmaker missions
Lunar Revel Missions
Cost of skins
As expected, the Lunar Revel 2023 event will have plenty of skins for players to purchase. The prices of all of the event's skins have been provided below:
Mythmaker skins
- Mythmaker Irelia (Legendary) - 1820 RP
- Mythmaker Sivir - 1350 RP
- Mythmaker Galio - 1350 RP
- Mythmaker Garena - 1350 RP
- Mythmaker Zyra - 1350 RP
Lunar Revel skins
- Lunar Empress Ashe - 1350 RP
- Lunar Guardian Kha'Zix - 1350 RP
- Lunar Guardian Malphite - 1350 RP
- Lunar Empress Qiyana - 1350 RP
- Lunar Emperor Thresh - 1350 RP
Lastly, the popular ARURF game mode will be returning to League of Legends alongside the Lunar Revel 2023 event.
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