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- Publication:
- The Tonkawa Newsi
- Location:
- Tonkawa, Oklahoma
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- 6
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ThursdayOrtober 18 1 THE TONKAWA NEWS PAGE SIX to I Newkirk on business 1 Monday S' into evrrv bav and Oakland California 'Buff a into every bay and TanMViip Wiwnn sin KEEEE ANDERSON THOMAS it CIRCULATES THE HEAT BWfW 7 to 4 i 'J pysa I LA' peckp Turning peck Treasure our handseme new cook took 11 ree 'm i Jlicliiia and 3Arkansa JiO Kansasj GAS USERS'jMTTEND! tThe' ftEAgWwill heat vour whole house ana oeauary in is Marie Blair spent Monday night with the Plank girls Mr? A Penny came home1 Tues 'W 't 35c Bacon They Do Not Wait Much1 advice Is given to young peo ple 'contemplating marriage drat fortunately mjny oftLem get married without any Muncie Morning Star i The Troop met Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 at the Mi church 1 The meeting opened in reg ular form The girls present were: Lfetta Singheiser Lola Singheiser" Letha Beckweth Nina Katherine Woodrow Mary Sipe and Miss Lewis lieutenant and Mrs red Wycoff captain i st' There was a short business1 session and it was decided that they have a ckll meeting Wednesdayi'afternoon Meeting adjourned i a GIRL SCOUTS PLAN PARTY The orest Narcissus Violet and Red Rose troops of the Girl Scouts plan: to have a masquerade Hallo party riday evening October 21st The place has not been decided upon but will be announced later ter Mrs Howell Mary Howell called on Evelyn George of Tonkawa Sunday: 5 LaVera Lemons of Billings visited Mary Howell Sunday LD McClelland spent week end with his brother of Three Sands Mrs Scott spent Monday night with Mrs Wm Collide Mrs Duvall is visiting her daughter Mrs spent Tuesday night with the Plank girls i Morse and daughters June and 'Maxine "spent Tuesday night with Mr and Mrs A Morse accompanied him to his pome in Holdenville Wednesday' Mr Geerdes and the girls were shopping in Tonkawa Tuesday Ruth and Lucille Roley were ab sent from school Wednesday 4 Pratt Center 7 ARMERS ARE SKEPTICAL ffi'O NEW SYSTEM LOANS jo fv 1 armers are waiting to Observe the operation of the arm Loan Board under the direction" of Eugene Meyer Jr says armland ireside because beginning iwith an entirely new he isa repre sentative of the treasury department and not the farmers themselves V' Meyer has started with a new to carry out the policies of the administration which: in this case' means Secretary continues the article but he has gone in asia representative pf hes Treasury de partment and not as a representative of the farmers a virtual director: of huge banking system 'with' assets of more than two billion dollars his duties I I tw The 'ecorid' accident to occur at this cross roads this summer dampen ed Sunday evening when a ort road ster rdriven by three girls aiflh a Chevrolet touring car driven by red Adams and family of Nardin crashed together at the corner by the" Newkirk filling (station Mr red Adams and son were both MrJ Adams and son both received broken noses Mrs 1 Adams and small son were not injured: The three girls were coming from the west and Mr' Adams from the south and the girls said they did not see the car coming Mr Adams saw fhe car but thought they were slowing up to allow etjLpass Mss Bess Seabolt of Pawhuska was tie most seriously hurt of any She suffered skull and at last reports was in a srious 'condjtidn in the Ponca City hospital where the three sdrfs alter toe accident Mr John White was a business call er in Tonkawa and Blackwell Monday Mr and Mrs Earl ruits spent Bunday with'Mr and Mrs Mit chell and Improvement club meets Thursday with Mrs Leo Bellmon i Mr and Mrs Gillespie and daughter Marie and Mr and Mrs Noah Seasatiand Mr and Mrs red Miller motored to Kansas Sunday of Goodwill i Grange met Tuesday evening af the red Miller home to line up the team Vs Inteni ire Air 'Duct abtorbi and'Moclcr much of the kat tliat the ordinary heating device allows to escape up the chimney 102 West Grand iCashGwry ana iviarKet deliver! Half Ham pound Vi Sliced Center Cutse'x? nr pound Our make chili is very fine Wte use the best of a a THE SPLENDOR THE DAWN 1 rom the Christian Science Monitor Emerson has pointed us to the rav ishing beauty of 'the when stars are' out deploying the he ivens like bright battalions If this mighty event but once every thou sand years how eager we should be to see it says Emerson and how we should revere That is true it amil iarity breeds indifference 'sBut when the might is like a diamond dome js it not incomparable? JI Yes as incomparable as its twin the morn The stars hive frayed through 'the fabric of morn there is a rosy flush the gradual glow of the bright unfurled banners the splendor of full assent as it rlimhe tho rim nf anrth nniirlncAHtR mowinrwrflvc ft? 1 coveevery nook and cranny to bathe the world in its beauty What a phe nomenon it is to see the? red sun streaming out of the scattering clouds of night! Or to watch the first faint streaks of dawn waking up jhe east ern sky the dew pearled grass shim mering in the cathedral gray of the morning! Ah one throws onels arms open to greet it to take it to the breast Strange yearnings and dreams seize on one dreams of Rap ture yearnings for things alwayssbe yond the farther end of fingers Thrills of a state unborn are ours The wings of the soul are greetingsthe wings of the morning Miller: at thq dawn and forget for moment yours astronomy I ask jrou whether ahe dark veil of night is slowly lifted and the air becomes tranparppt and and Ifcht fbrth you know not whence you would not feel that your! dyfes were looking into the very eye ofithe Infinite A certain grandeur an irresistible power an of fthe order and beauty of the uni verse is his who greets sthe dawn i Deep calm is in the heart of nature The flow ers: bloom in sweet transquillity ithe sun makes nd clatter hs his fiery hoofs ascend the sky the stars burn bright ly and shine quietly and the moon walks the' night with the silentness of a silvery dream And how'silently the world rolls into morning out the shadows of night! It cam'eto'me 'unheralded at dawn7? Enwrapped in tissues soft or 1 mist 1 And tied with sunbeams Onediy nnp the folds Drifting away touched by an unseen hand Revealed the hidden treasure Then I heard The songs of birds whisper of morn ing breeze i Murmur of myriad: prayers thanks giving piaibt was a good and perfect otie more New Day 7 3 Thousands Suffer Needlessly rom Stomach Trouble for nice dressed Ken or i Home made country sorghum? QuartsV lrtalf Gallon and Gallons resh Ham Roasts QA'L'? i 'per 1 complete' line of all' fresh vegetables' and fruits 7 Heavy Shucking' (frn A "'14 dozen 1U Coffee anjOc Xvcoffee? our price THERE is Heatrbla almost ew 1 i i A'Tkfi Tmur tn M4JPWB JU? pup iYHuyWV4M Ttj' popular of'whole house: heaters isf ottered in a new tw nrAM cnpciallv designed tcTburri gas! This GasHeatroljl brings HeatrotS comfort Heatrola economy HeatroJa hpalthtulnessfand nearroia oeauty every small home Now you can do away with? spotty stove a room heating 0 ror tne vas neanoia 'moist warm air for three to five rooms Looks like fihg mahogany cabinet Clean fumetight air tight Many new and exclusive features Cojne in let us show you th? Qis Heatrola and tell you how easily you can own it Or telephone and in Or 'll! 'CHERISH THE MEMORY IT Tulsa is in the midst of a gasoline war and 12 of the leadine distributors of gasoline in that city have lowered i their retail prices so as to compete with certain stations The first of the week it was said thatne tV dealer was selling gas at 12 cents I SIS action win cause more ana more car owners to stop and a bit and hope that the may last always 1 IT MAKES LITTLE DIERENCE yt Thorn cnonn "hn errpat dnnl nf chatter going the rounds about Okla j' Governor and the Rosicrucian question Might we suggest that al though the super intelligentsia of the i country seem to be an uproar over the question it might just as well pertain to a new style of haircut for the inhabitants of lost as far as the average individual is concerned' 4 1 yk Press Corigress to Convene at Norman 4 'r J' Norman Oct 13 Arrangements for the 1928 National College Press 1 Congress to be held at the University of Oklahoma November 10 to 11 have been completed and invitations sent out to delegated from news papers yearbooks and comics in'tSO i colleges and universitics4 throughout the United States according to rank I Dennis editor of the Oklahoma Daily and secretary of the organiza tion I 1 Henry Haskell chief of the edi iorial page of the Kansas City 'principal 'speaker at the ronvention Richard Lloyd Jones ed itor of the Tulsa Tribuneand' at least i one other national press figure will take part in the program Dennis said A group of state editors will also be' Invited to attend National officers of the Congress i who will be speakers at tion include: Alfred Wjlson Brown university president Richaid Leon ard Dayton university vice presi dent and Louis Bye Tulane univer sity treasurer Prof Herbert director of the school of journalism here is national faculty advisor of tin Congress sazThis is the first time a convention of editors and business managers of student publications has ever been held in Norman on such a large scale and preparations for the entertain ment of the guests are being made by the university authorities as well as the student body Abanquet the night1 ot November 10 and the annual Homecoming foot ball game between the Sooners and the Kansas university Jayhavdcers November 11 are to be added attrac I tions to the convention PAINTER LAPPER TYPES IS ALSO SUCCESSUL ARMER John Held Jr foremost portrayer of flapper types and whose! work appears in both magazines and i newspapers throughout the countryhas at last trehieved the title of Sue s' cessful farmer only wish the editors would let me alone long enough to do more he told at representative of arm and ireside Wno found him pruning in the orchard like farming better than anything he added' whenever I get a chance I go intosthe fields or among the farm near Weston Conn is the source of a constant struggle be tween agriculture and art In the first place the district is the site of a 'colony of artists and when Held boMfcht a large tract of land and started lajming seriously ne ran ai veritable gauntlet of ridicule One of: his first activities was to set up a forge for farm use but it Too soon turned to artistic purposes and with in a short time he was turning out 'wrought iron road signs tne demand for which grew to such an extent that he had to close down the forge in orddr to get anything done on the 1 Another disappointment that 1 Im anil i nmpd nut to Hfifllmost A and before he could produce anything to boast of in the way 01 crops ne saw that he would have to spend sev eral years in fertilizing the meantime he turned to raising horses 'w ponies and goatsand is making hisfarm n'viviVaiimAw TTvlzl" WO a trt mH W' 'for congress on the democratic ticketVX in the last election but failing to getny votes he was not His AAMcicfarl rf i WA YblttnVa iholiuh wives svho object to feed trap drummers still TheyJnake farmers A1 4 0 Whoa a man keep wife in the A dark he expect her to make I 11UU AU 1U Oil Royalties the Gold Bonds of tKe Oil Business 'Office Phone 405 Robertson Phone 279 Specialize in EAPESTATE ROYALTIES' $80000 for His Dicoverya 1' constipation and their attendant ills Respond quickly td a prescription known as the discovery of a well known Dallas pharmacist'" '1 i goes to the seat of stomach and bowpl troubles and relieves constipation gas on the stomach dyspepsia heartburnbloat ing after meals excess' neid bad breath1 "sick headache nervousness tones up the digestive organs and stimulates the stomach and bowels totheir normal functions is sold by gdod' drug gists $150 for 64 dess than 3 cants a dose Your druggist will refund your money if one bottle fails to benefit Ask for s4 Chevrolet to Build New Assembly Plant 1 uh 5 1 fl A nlMndiial iftn that the automobile industry is look ing forwartj toward increasing pros perity was noted here today with the announcement by the Chevrolet Mo tor company that construction will start immediately on anew Chevro let assembly plant in Atlanta The Atlanta plant has' been made necessary to adequately meet the re quirements of the rapidly growing de mand for Chevrolet cars in the South and at the same time to relieve the Cincinnati plant which has been 'op erating on an overtime basis to care for southeastern business as well as that from more immediate territory The Atlanta plant will serve particu larly Georgia lorida and pejrU of Alabama and South Carolina When completed early next sprifig the plant will represent an investment of more than $2250006 covering acreage buildings and equipment Thirty one acres of ground have been taken fover for the Atlanta layout Building plans call for 410000 square feet of floor space including plants office and driveaway sliedt The plant will be one of the larg est and finest of its kind in the 'South with a capacity of Sbcars a day Work will be provided for 1200 peo ple and the payroll wiUAexceed $8 000 daily 1 i The assembly plant proper will be a one story unit 800 by '320 feet of face brick construction with a moni tor steel roof There will be a isher Body division of similar construction 160 by 680 feet and a parts: supply depot 120 by 204 feet Plans also call for a two story offices building 40 by 204 a Completion of the Atlanta project will provide the Chevrolet Motor com pany with eight assembly 'plants throughout the country andwan ex port plant at Bloomfield New Jer? sey Domestic assembly plants are in Michigan Tarry town New siYork Norwood Ohio alo New i one janesvuie Wisconsin iana pt Louis Missouri In addition 'Chevro let manufacturing plapts in Detroit Bay City Saginaw lint and Toledo 7 'i 3 Eagle Nest IsMarie Blair and WilmacPlank spent Wednesday night i with Ernestine Miller 7 Mrs MillerLeRoy and Joyce spent Wednesday with Airs Williams 'Mrs Miller? Mrs S' Misses? Joyce Miller and Lucretia WiJliamVand Leroy Miller visited Mrs mother Julia Jones' near Ponca City Thursday Annidell Dellamarie and Irene were absentfrom school Thursday Pauline Plank called on Geneva Thursday evening 7 ji "Al" 7 '2 llk AiT TTrS'' JCV dUlUUH vuueu UH 1V VV lanK Thursday 'E Crumrine and family spent Thursday evening with EAson of Three Sands a Plank Wilma and Lennis were Tonkawa Community Dayw? ournier and family of Bur bank spent Sunday with Plank and family Louis Smith Louis and 'Jim Miller and LaVerne: Crumrine went to 'hear Josh Lee at Central high school near Three Sands riday night' '1 Lucille Roley spent Sunday after iiuuiitwiiii oouuie noweii Morris Plank of Tulsa visited Plank riday 3 geerdes andfamily' spent Sun day with Ivan Lacey and family vi Braman vwtPauline' and Mathilde Plank called on'tbejGeerdes girls riday night' 7MKjHowell of Rivermings 4 Mo IMBi The Talent dftKe is at the Command of were' taken immediately! for work Mr red Miller is a '7 BR AAnrh TAP fftA PfiTl find TJ 11 get the team in shape pBto: work at the state meeting in in December Thev have an em ment booked for putting on the 1 at Arkansas City th? last (Satu in DHiYCHHier Sammio Loper? called? on Tavlor Mondav' eveninb Mrs Taylor and daug: IjULM WKIltt AJSXU1UJIU YJB1LU1B 1LU Archiel Smith is harrowing Reed Mr and Mrs 'Earl ruits onKawa visitors mesoay even in Oklahoma Northern Utilities Company No king 'of anWealm ancient or modern could command the' vast array of talent that rsbortds Ao vour finger toiich the' XThe finesTmnsfcians in'the world the most noted speakersthe every kind 77 al I Wfllfinf fO 7 1 Why not enjoy these talents with this mar I lw velous instrument i A 1 4 if 4'? A completely shaded six tube receiver with single ditlf ststion selector nd built in sevid inch Peerless repro (' cuccr wonaerruuy oesignca ana pciutiiui man noy 4 Kwis'1 iLi'fr': Cakinft ImfP £nich Rmlttn enfsatr with nawr festtfriesxtc Price without accessories $21000' I Sl LJIIS Issued Monday and Thunday of each at Tonkawa' News building North Seventh Street Telephone No 185 '7 7 Subscription Price Per Year: in Advance Admitted at the Tonkawa Postoffice as second class mail matter THAT TEAPOT DOME AAIR Harry Sinclair has lost posses sion of Teanot dome and has been ordered to return the vast petroleum field to the government jby theitu preme court It was also announced at the time Albert Ball Jiad been accused of and in the supreme court de cision Right along this same line is the statement that cancellation of the Sinclair Teapot dome navaLre serve lease bv the suureme court will have no economic bearing upon the oil industry After all has been said and done it might seem that one of these distinguished gentlemen is to be in the end fall We will watch with interest the results of the 77 ''tt? Why Not Eat Ham Cheapest 7' Meat You Caii Buyz irst Grade ine TWs are numerous and arduous If he spent Thursday with his aunt Mrs eliminates some of the existing unde Brienholt A sirable features without sacrificing any of the usefulness of the system tn arriculture his aunointment will be justified" haa been wiUiiher dangh armers fear adds the article that ter' Mrs Butterfield of Martend no good can come but of treasury A Miller and Chas Boyd went direction and it is intimated that to I Newkirk Qn Monday 7 there will be trouble in having the ap Cosgrwqoi: Oklahoma pointments of Meyer and his board City spent tho week end jvJth her sie uppruveu vy wugivBd iv wn uuptu that the mew director and his board would make the farm loan plan more flexible but danger is seen that it will become i more of a governmental beaurocracy and the cooperative fea tures which have been widely sought will be buried under federal red tape it is 'pointed out that the farmed borrowers own a majority interest in the federal land banks and that a purely political management 'group lessens farm influence in the institu tion i A' Mr' Meyer the new arm Loafi Commissioner was director tof 'the War Corporation he displayed great ability as a financier 'y1' There Is some ef concerning be derivation of The It is believed to be from t'plccadlllis" tin small stiff: collars af fected by wen of fashion qX the timept James 1 The inreet was for the house of house 5 THE TONKAWA NEWS (The Official City Paper) tfHINERY A TAYLOR EditorsandOwners 1 7 S' Sfe i 'v i 7 Wz 7' 1 71 '7' 7 TV A'W I I '7' te7 i 'A by: iWS fez A a 4 I I' 1 laf I Mt om 'sweet separated 1 SV AB 4 J1 tv s'i "1 1 OhWtt KOLULUeS a a "11" I 7 HT SS qf A MS VJ5 Overv 1 Yl a 4 I I 1 esh ish and Oysters Hj 1 ftiM a i 111 11 iffl lx r5? £ri A I 4 ft r4 Ak your dealer for HouMetrlfe's tiy A ft 1 llT Tr I I JH Sil a HU I iWSfEsEsB I em I MW I 'A III i Mi 4 i(7Tj Wa I IBM I SSaT xrx sgs i ffltWi I I kuT? 7I I Wh WSi A 1 5 HKKb a III I 1 1 fit Htfi 7j ts MR A 7 trn Jr HflSfc suwv ifll 11 si a 7L I fV IT lIHl fe 111 it tf rt 4CW WWE a 'T 1 EnHl A wir I "i BWHMM 'V VW S1 fc Mr V3 UU i ns a wi 7 'v a a 'i Hi ik 1 1SE TVLiKI xnVJUIT S'vV s' IES3 ffl 7 I 4 he 4 71 EW 4 5 Ik VB aMWSMHB I BW JI I JjW EJu a aw 4 4 wwi fflHn 'f tin VI wBfV I a i a I AB LBMW' 1 Wk i jAiA 17 Vu j1 £'iTM vs V' 7 IU 7 I ir rA" v' hi i ft n' wrjrai 1 7 i i 1 hi 1 i 1 hint tx Sv aHMUMlillll1 UKU HI KI vi'v i "A' uz te aS I 1 1 Etol HMMII lit MUMBBBnllKW 9 Ba Illi IR iH I iV HsB ft 1 7 aBHIar 'A leTer rtV 11 fi'? V4 7: I dil mu I II I i a': i A llKK' 1 ft 4 M'lfflWBMMBaWiilnll mtHl IHBw KA'M II IB I k' llSWwffiMSS fflS A 4 ti A gig A v'u is baS ST i A j4k UKB 1 ffn wi JKvi fMJAWu Vsi i fniW'JH i in knhfBK 1 4 I VT 3aK janohe chevalier npflaw" BWB BBB BBB BBB fl BOB BBH fl II 1' 7 fHar BIB a BiBBIBBAlflfla HBB aMM mm a Hhm aAwBnHMrTflMVTWD uhm mm a iiiiHiiy y4aaMiinai I rii imwttt ai wirr ViJifiTrJi hiT ill ht IT V'il TOT WA 1 1 iv" l3K3Sfr Maggwy 1 'A 3SH 1 'x ') jk IBS' pH wr I.
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