Battle Creek Enquirer from Battle Creek, Michigan (2024)

61 3 1 Three THE BATTLE CREEK ENQUIRER AND NEWS Wednesday, August 15, 1956 Market Extends Upward Women Subject Pace in Early Trading To Draft Rules NEW YORK-4P-Steels joined afternoon as a pacemaker in rose fractions to 2 points or International oils again were encouraged about the Suez helped stimulate trading An impressive earnings report than a point and Phelps Dodge its own improved earnings. Aircrafts pushed earlier gains Steels, which were firm from more active turnover. The Associated Press average $189.80 with the industrials site utilities up 30 cents. NEW YORK STOCKS (11 A.M. Quotations by Admiral Air Red Allied Ch Allied Stra Allis Chal Alum Ltd Alcoa Am Airlin Am Can Am Cyan Am Am Am Motors Am News Am Rad Am Seating Am Smelt Am Am Tob Am Viscose Araconda Artico StI Arn.our Co Atchison At.

Cat Line Atl Refin Avco Mfg Balt Oh Bendix Av Benguet Beth Steel Boeing Air Bohn Alum Bond Strs Borden Borg Warn Brist My Budd Co Burroughs Can Dry Cdn Pac Capital Airl Carrier Cp Case, J1 Cater Trac Ches Oh Chrysler Cities Sve Clark Equip Climax Mo Coca Cola Colg Palm Col Bed A Col Gas Comw Ed Con Edison Con Gas PwP14 Cont Bak Cont Can Cont Cont Mot Cont Oil Copper Rng Corn Pd Curtiss Wr Deere Det. Edison Doug Airc Dow Chem Du Pont East Air East Kod El Auto El Mus Emer Rad Erie RR Ex-Cell-0 Fairb Mor Firestone Ford Mot Freept Sul Frueh Tra Gen Bak Gen Dynam Gen Elec Gen Fds Gen Mills Gen Motors Gen Shoe Gen Tel Gen Time Gen Tire Gillette Goebel Br Goodrich Goodyear Grah Paige Gt No Ry Gt West Greyhound Gulf Oil Hersh Choc Holland Homestk Ill Cent Indust Ray Ing Rand Inland StI Inspir Cop Interlak Ir Int Bus Mc Int Harv Int Nick Int Paper Int Shoe Int Silver Int Tel Isl Crk Coal Johns Man Jones Kelsey Hay Kennecott Kimb Clk 54 3 Kresge, SS 281 109 Kroger 52 Lehn. 343 Lot Glass Lib 127 Ligg My 6714 Lockh Airc Loew'8 Lone Com 88 Lorillard 19 Mack Trk 381 Martin. Gl 343. May Strs 201 Mead Cp 40 Merck 56 Merr 201 MidI Stl Pd 78 Mpls Hon 83 Minn 72 Monsan Ch Mont Ward Motor Pd 155 Motor Wheel 25 Motorola 43 Mueller Br 35 6 Nat Bisc 371 Nat Cash Nat Dairy 421 Nat Gyps 2 Nat Lead 121 Nat Tea 401 28 Ny Central 381 Nia Pw 311 Nort West 69 No Am Av 91 Nor Pac 42 Nor Sta Pw Nwst Airlin 141 Ohio Oil 35 Owens Cng 83 Owens Ill GI 76 60 Pac El Pan AW Air Panh Epl 65 3 Param Piet Parke Da 691 Penney, JC 901 611 Pa RR 21 Pepsi Cola 2214 115 Pfizer 53 Phelps 69 324 Philco Philip Mor 451 423 Phill Pet 54 Pillsby Mills 45 Pit Plate 91 105 Proct 5414 Pullman 69 Pure Oil 471 RCA 43 Repub Stl 521 134 Rex Drug 101 521 Reyn Met 8014 3014 Rey Tob 55 Ridgeway Rock Spg 311 Royal Dut 1041 873 Safeway St 57 St Jos Lead 215 St Reg Pap 563 Scovill MI 37 Seab Al RR 381 364 Sears Roeb Shell Oil 9514 Simmons 59 207 Sinclair 68 911 Socony 44 Sou Pac 51 904 Sou Ry 45 34 59 3 Sperry Rd 261 92 Std Brand 39 323 Std Oil Cal 10 Std Oil Ind 641 75 Std Oil NJ 581 63 Std Oil Oh 583 49 Stevens.

Jp 213 Stud Pack Suther Pap 263 Swift Co 471 421 Sylv El Pd 513; Texas Co 56 Tex Sul 33 Textron Thomp Pd 661 Tran Air 20 Transamer 3814 Twent Cen 25 433 Underwd 281 Un Carbide 151 Un Pac 321 Unit Alr Lin 397 501 Unit Airc 85 1214 Unit Fruit 49 341 Un Gas Cp 633 US Lines 30 4014 US Rub US Steel 66 96 West Un Tel 201 Wests A Bk Westg EI 58 503 White Mot 4976 38 Wilson Co 1544 109 Woolworth 136 Yale Tow 41 Yng 5714 Zenith Rad Eaton Mig 64 Ekco Prod 39 55 Hastings Mfg 4 39 Oliver Corp Southern Co STOCK AVERAGES (By the Associated Press) Net change Noon Wed. Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago 1956 high 1956 low 1955 high 1955 low 30 ind. 15 ris. 15 util 60 stk. .3 .7 275.2 140.0 76.4 189.8 274.1 139.7 76.1 189.1 275.1 141.2 76.6 190.1 272.5 141.4 74.7 188.2 238.1 130.1 71.1 171.0 276.3 155.1 76.9 191.5 244.0 129.0 71.5 171.6 257.8 142.4 75.7 181.5 203.1 114.9 67.2 148.8 CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago Board of Trade Dally Range of Prices.

Previous Today's Wheat- Close Open Noon Sept. 21914 21914 22034 Dec. March 227 227 5 229 CornSept. 1491 150 151 Dec. 1413 142 March OatsSept.

Dec. March RyeSept. 1401 1414 141 Dec. 1443 LOCAL MARKET (Michigan Livestock Exchange) Hogs-190-220, 16.25; 16.00: 240-260. 15.50; 260-250.

15.00: 280-300. 14.50: 300-350. 13.75: 350-400. 13.25; 160- 170, 14.50; 170-180, 15.25: 180-190, 15.75. Sows-300 down.

14.75; 300-350. 13.75; 350-400. 13.25: 400-450. 12.25: 450-500. 11.75; 500-550, 11.25; 550.600, 10.75; 600 up.

10.25. Stags, 7.00; boars, 6.00. coppers, oils and aircrafts early another market upturn. Leading so in fairly active trading. on the upside as investors were Canal situation.

Good corporate interest. helped Anaconda to a gain of was ahead fractionally follow- to more than 2 points. the start, stretched their gains of 60 stocks at noon was up 70 up $1.10, the rails up 30 cents INVESTMENT CO. SHARES Bid Asked Affiliated Fund 6.32 6.81 American Bus. Shares 4.01 4.29 Axe-Houghton B.

8.77 9.53 Canadian Fund Inc. 21.50 23.37 Commonwealth Inv. 9.84 10.70 Div. Growth Stock 13.90 15.23 Div. Invest.

Fund 9.78 10.72 Div. Shares 2.93 3.21 Eaton Bal Fund 23.23 24.54 Eaton Stock Fund 21.96 23.48 Elect. Inv. 4.84 5.29 Keystone Custodian FundB-3 17.83 19.45 B-4 10.86 11.86 K-1 9.03 9.85 K-2 13.02 14.20 8-1 17.97 19.61 8-2 13.20 14.41 8-3 15.33 16.73 8-1 10.09 11.01 Manhattan Bond Fund 7.85 Mass. Inv.

Trust 12.36 13.36 Phila. Fund. Inc. 19.48 21.44 Putnam, Geo. Fund 13.56 14.74 Select.

Amer. 10.34 Tel. Electronie Fd. 12.49 13.61 Wellington Fund 14.14 15.41 UNLISTED SECURITIES Bid Asked American Box Board 42.25 44.25 Battle Creek Gas Co. 29.00 0.1 W.

L. A. Darling 15.75 16.50 Fed. Life Cas. 60.00 0.W.

Federated Publications 87.00 0. W. Kal. Veg. Parch.

45.50 47.50 Kellogg To Pref. 90.00 95.00 Kellogg Co. Common 36.25 38.00 Michigan Bakeries, Inc. 2.00 2.50 Michigan Carton 30.50 o. W.

Michigan National Bank 52.50 56.00 No. Central Airlines 11.25 12.00 Security National Bank 21.00 o.w. Shedd-Bartush Foods 18.75 20.00 Sherer-Gillett Co. 4.00 00 5.00 Sheriff Goslin Co. 6.00 7.00 Simplex Paper Co.

7.75 8.75 Union Steam Co. 23.00 o. W. Unton Steel Prod. Co.

15.00 16.00 United Steel Wire 9.25 Wolverine Ins. 55.00 60.00 GRAIN MARKET (Battle Creek Farm Bureau) Red wheat, white wheat. rye. corn, oats. 59c; barley, 83c.

DETROIT POULTRY DETROIT-UP)-Prices paid per pound f.o.b. Detroit for No. 1 quality poultry up to 10 a.m. Heavy hens 21-23; light type 16-17. Heavy roasters (over 4 lbs.) 21.

Heavy broilers or fryers whites 23; gray crosses 26; barred rocks 27-28. Caponettes (4 Ibs.) 25, (5 lbs.) 28-29. Ducklings 30. Market about steady. Receipts moderately light but more than adequate for a light buying interest.

Bulk of new arrivals are rought and big with movement through distributive outlets. Fryers in light supply but slow in clearing as demand only fair. Caponettes of fancy quality in good demand. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO Salable, hogs 7.000: slow. generally steady with Tuesday's average on butchers under 2245 close dull and weak on weights under 200 poor demand for these weights: butchers over 225 lb.

and sows fairly active: strong to mostly 25 higher; little weighing over 250 lb. in receipts and not enough over 280 lb. to test prices: limited shipping outlet; most No. 2 and 3 200-220 lb. 16.50-17.00; few lots No.

3 around 200 lb. down to 16.25: few decks and smaller lots No. 1 and 2 200- 230 lb. most sorted for weight and grade 17.25-17.50; 75 head lot 211 lb. 17.60; limited volume No.

2 and 3 230-280 lb. 16.75-17.25; mainly 17.00 and above on weights under 270 larger lots mixed grade 170-190 lb. 15.00-16.25; sows around 400 lb. and lighter in larger lots 15.00-16.25: few selected lots 250- 280 lb. to 16.50: bulk larger lots 425- 500 lb.

14.00-15.00; sizable lot sOWS over 450 lb. scarce. Salable cattle salable calves 3001 steers 50c to 1.00 higher; prime grade 1.00 to 1.50 higher; but edge off market late on steers grading average choice and below: heifers mostly 50c to 1.00 higher; some light heifers low choice and below only steady to strong; cOWs and bulls 25 to 50 higher; vealers steady to strong: stockers and active; strong: 4 loads prime 1150-1175 lb. steers 30.25-80.50: bulk prime steers 29.00-30.00: bulk choice grade 26.50- 28.50; good to olw choice 22.50-26.00: few standard to low good steers 17.00- 22.00; high choice and prime heifers 26.25-28.50: most good and choice heifers 20.00-26.00; utility and commercial cows 10.75-13.00: few high commercial to 14.00; bulk canners and cutters 9.00- 11.00; most utility and commercial bulls 13.75-15.50: good and choice vealers 20.00-21.00; cull to commercial 10.00- 20.00; good feeding steers and yearling stock steers 17.00-20.00. Salable sheep moderately active: spring lambs steady to strong: yearling and sheep steady: most good to prime spring lambs 20.00-23.00; 23.50 sparingly: cull to low good lambs 12.00-19.00; load good to mostly choice 104 1b.

yearlings carrying No. 1 and fall shorn pelts 17.25; cull to choice shorn slaughter ewes 3.50-5.50. DETROIT LIVESTOCK DETROIT-UP-Salable 300. Early sales and bids on all classes about steady: U.S. No.

1 to 3 190-240 lb. barrows and gilts 16.75-17.25: some held higher; few 250-300 lbs. 15.50-16.00; scattered early sales 'sows 350-600 lbs. 12.00-14.00. Cattle-Salable 400.

About 50 per cent cows: trading very active; slaugh- receip receipts cows: trading very active: slaughter steers and heifers strong at week's full advance; other classes cattle steady to strong: 10 head choice prime 1033 lb. steers 28.00; several lots and loads mostly choice fed steers 27.00- 27.50; scattered lots mostly good steers 23.00-25.50: other grades scarce; most utility cows 11.00-12.50, including load lots at 12.50; few fat commercial cows 10.50-12.00; smooth young standard grain fed cows up to 14.50 or above: canners and cutters mostly 9.00-11.00; some lightweights 8.50 down: utility and commercial bulls mostly 13.00-15.00. Calves--Salable 100. Market opening steady; early sales good and low choice vealers and calves 20.00-26.00: choice and prime individuals very scarce 27.00-32.00; utility and commercial 16.00- 20.00; few cull and utility 10.00-16.00. Sheep---Salable 200.

No early sales. The intensity of sound is measured in decibels. Own An Interest 100 Stocks In Over Your investment of $200 or more in a selected Mutual Fund will give you the benefits of wide diversification among many securities, plus professional supervision of your money. This reduces the risk that is present in every form of investment. Mutual Fund dividends currently offer various rates of return.

Our new brochure explains the advantages of Mutual Funds. For your free copy fill in the coupon below. FIRST OF MICHIGAN CORPORATION MEMBERS MIDWEST AND DETROIT STOCK EXCHANGES No. 9 Security Bank Arcade, Battle Creek, Mich. Phone WO 2-4034 S.

C. Coleman, Resident Manager GENTLEMEN: Please send me information about Mutual Fund investing. I am interested in Funds whose management aims (within the limits of normal market risk) accord with the following objective: Conservative income 0 Capital growth 0 More current income ID am 0 not interested in a regular invest plan Name. Address. Note: Information is for our guidance only and does not insure achievement of objective.

CHICAGO-UP-Chicago mercantile exCHICAGO DAIRY. change: Butter steady; wholesale buying prices unchanged; receipts 93A.A 59: 52A 59: 90B 89C cars 90B 89C Eggs weak; receipts wholesale buying prices one to two cents lowe per cent A 36; mixed 35; mediums 33: standards 30; dirties checks current receipts CLASSIFIED Hours Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MINIMUM ADVERTISING 15 WORDS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES onsec. days 3 5 Per word .06 .14 .20 25 .29 15 words .90 2.10 3.00 3.75 4.35 Cash.

10 da. .81 1.89 2.70 3.38 3.92 Box number ads 25c extra when called tor: 30c it mailed. We are responsible for only one correct insertion. NOTICES Funerals LOCAL FUNERALS YERIC. JOHN.

Friends may call at Hebble's where services will be held Thursday 2:00 p.m. in the chapel. Rev. Anthony Diachenko officiating. Burial Oak Hill Cemetery.

STATE FUNERALS RUDDOCK, HAROLD NORRIS. Friends may call at the Court Funeral Home. Marshall, where services will be held Thursday 2:00 p.m. Interment Porter Cemetery, Convis Township. Card of Thanks WE WISH to express our deep thanks during recent death of Clarence Squires, to neighbors, friends, Leila Hospital, Rev.

Price and all others who were so -The Squires Family. WE WISH to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our kind friends and relatives during our recent bereavement in the loss of our beloved husband and father. We especially thank the Rev. George Selfert, pallbearers, Farley Funeral Home. The Family of Albert Larson OUR recent sad loss leaves us with grateful hearts toward Rev.

S. Conger Hathaway for his comforting expressions of sympathy and thoughtfulness. Mrs. Sylvester R. Osborn, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Fox and Children, Capt. and Mrs. Nick Frishkey and Children. In Memoriam JOSEPH RUBEL In loving memory of my father who passed away 3 years ago today, August 15, 1953.

The golden gates stood open on that unhappy day, With goodbyes left unspoken you quietly passed away, Daughter, Gertrude. Flowers MERRILL PARK GREENHOUSE AND FLORISTS Specialists in floral designs Sunshine or Showers say It with Flowers' cor. 12th St. at Ave. C.

WO 2-8529 WHY NOT send flowers to that shut-in. Call us today for beautiful bouquets. CAPITAL FLORIST 630 Capital, N.E. Ph. WO 2-4221 Selection easy with ARCADE FLOWER SHOP'S experience and understanding to help you pick the perfect floral offering for birth, wedding, shut-in or final tribute.

ARCADE FLOWER SHOP Wolverine Federal Bldg. Ph. WO S-8215 Funeral Directors Royal Funeral Home 281 Upton Ave. Ph. WO 4-7315 Monuments Markers A COMPLETE line of monuments and markers.

Largest stock in county. MICHIGAN MONUMENT CO. 100 and 107 Soutu Ave. WO 3-8611 PATTEN MONUMENTS. 1830 West Columbia.

WO 3-9566. Evenings WO 3-3449. LARGER selection granites and designs. Monuments and markers. Delano Granite Works.

Call C. F. Briggs, 23 Caine, WO 2-5386. Lost and Found FOUND at Paul's Shoe Repair, 527 E. Michigan, free hot dogs August 13 through the 18th.

Due to your appreciations the past year. LOST- -Diamond ring on Kendall-Goodale bus, between Kendall, Roosevelt, Washington, Champion. Precious keepsake. Reward. WO 3-4353.

LOST- -Green and yellow parakeet. Reward. William Adams, North Washington. AVO 2-6451. LOST- -Green breeding parakeet (male), in vicinity of Hubbard St.

Call wo 4-2133. LOST -Light blue parakeet, aluminum band 372. Phone 3-4259. LOST Saturday a.m. at Gull Lake Park.

fisherman's canvas trout creel. Phone WO 4-2759. LOST--From expecting 36 kittens. Chestnut, near Brownish Calhoun, gray with orange dot on forehead. Answers to name "Fluffy." WO 3-9478.

LOST. -Set of keys either downtown Battie Lake. Creek or Finder Ross Township Park, Gull please call WO 2-4031, ask for Mr. Manning. LOST-At Fine Lake, blue parakeet with yellow head.

Call WO 4-5468. LOST Short -tail, short-haired German Pointer, brown and white tick. In Urbandale. Reward. WO 4-7980.

LOST -Mahogany boat ladder. Finder please return to Gull Lake Marine Center. Reward. FOUND AT PAUL'S MARKET Fresh Home-Dressed Chickens and Fryers. Quality Meat.

Groceries and Produce. COD deliveries anywhere in the city. Phone WO 3-5303 before 10:30 a.m. 81 Calhoun St. LOST- -Male Beagle hound, black and white, 8 weeks old, vicinity of the Cady Road.

Reward. Ph. WO 3-2860. Personals ZIPPERS repaired or replaced. Hennink's.

16 East Michigan. WO 5-5842. MARY ELLEN Beauty Shop, 215 East Ave. No. Permanent wave.

Cold waves or machineless, $5.00 complete. WO 2-4561. IT TAKES only 30 minutes to clean 9x12 rug with odorless Blue Lustre. C. Grant Co.

STEAD HOME for aged persons. Have room for more patients. Also will take bedridden or ambulatory patients. wo 4-5035. DESIRE to stop drinking? Then very simply try ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS.

Information. WO 3-3163, W0 4-1186. FRYERS and hens, 25c lb. Rock hens and fryers, 29c lb. See alive.

See dressed. Chicken Charlie. 162 S. Washington. WO 3-4653.

WO 3-4268. NURSE wi.l care for someone in my quiet home. Extra nice room on ground floor. Next to bath. WO 3-7031.

GENTLEMAN, 54. would like to correspond with lady 45 50. Write Box E-900. News. CHILDREN'S DAY CARE Phone WO 2-5905 ANYTHING WORTH CLEANING deserves our service! Silk, lace, knitwear.

dresses. suits they're cleaned RIGHT and pressed RIGHT. Call WO 4-7111 for pickup. BATTLE CREEK CLEANERS. YOUR PRESCRIPTION IS IMPORTANT Say "SPEAKER'S" To Your Doctor You will be glad you did.

He will gladly phone your if prescription to be delivered to your nome you request EXTRA CHARGE. SPEAKER'S 22 E. Michigan Ave. Phone 8-6118 IF you have an alcobolic problem. call Alconolics Anonymous.

WO 4-7577. HOWARD Nursing Home. New fire resistant building with modern facilities. Best of care. Marne, Michigan.

Phone Marne Oriole 7-3055. IF YOU are allergic to cold waves and have hair very difficult to wave! Try a machineless wave, $4.50 for limited time. Breck and Zota cold wave. August special, cold wave complete, $5. Rose Beauty Salon, 12 W.

Territorial. WO 2-2102. WIDOW would like to correspond ith 55-50 vear old gentleman. Write Box F-900. News.

CASH for one day or more- when you are unable to work because of sickness or accident. MUTUAL OF OMAHA. WO 4-2789. STANDARD TENT AWNING CO Awnings Tents Tarpaulins Canvas Repairing. 9 N.

Cass St. WO 3-4811. 609 POLIO cases reported in Chicago. Be protected. Call Virgil B.

Clingan Insurance. Ph. WO 2-7553. QUICK service on plumbing repair, also water pump service. Phone WO 4-6914.

NOTICES Special Notices 5 RUMMAGE SALE at 141 W. Michigan, Saturday, Aug. 15th. Open 7:30 a.m. -Alice V.

Murphy V.F.W. LOVELY PERMANENTS AT LOW COST. Student services delight patrons. Call wo 5-9232. Wright Beauty Academy, W.

Michigan Ave. WALLPAPER 58 9c 19c 290 Values to $1.00 Paint $2.95 gal. Floor or wall enamel. flat and house paint. WALLPAPER FACTORY OUTLET 41 Capital W.

8:30 5:30 Phone WO 2-2450 NOTICE On and after this date, Aug. 14, 1956. I will not be responsible for any' debts unless contracted for b. myself. Signed: Elmer F.

Beebe, Jr. Rt. No. 1, Box 505, Battle Creek. Mich.

HASTINGS DRIVE-IN THEATRE Yvonne De Carlo-Zachary Scott of the Ladies free Thursdays. Public Notices 6 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE To be, sold at Public Auction 03 August 16, 1956 at 10:00 a.m. Cash only, 1953 Oldsmobile Club Coupe. Motor No. R54- 6250.

Serial No. 38M102743, at 350 W. Michigan Ave. Seller reserves the right to bid. GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE To be sold at Public Auction on August 16.

1956 at 10:00 a.m. Cash only, 1950 Pontiac Convertible, No. PSTH58728 at 350 W. Michigan Ave. Seller reserves the right to bid.

GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice of public sale of one 1950 Dodge 4-door, Engine No. D34-11904. This unit Is stored and may be seen at City Sales and Service, Sturgis, Michigan. To be sold at 10:00 a.m.

on August 25. 1956 at UNIVERSAL CIT CREDIT CORPORATION. 908 Wolverine Tower, Battle Creek. Michigan. Education MEN to train for Electrical, Mechanical Engineering.

Positions waiting. Write, call F. D. Parmelee, 1.C.8. Rep.

P.O. Box 273, Ph. WO 2-8147 Battle Creek. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Either Sex 11 $8,000 PER YEAR. A business of your own.

A national trend, largest in its field. Lifetime income and retirem. plan. Set your own hours. clusive nationally advertised product.

Easy to sell. Additional income for those who can train others. Phone WO 2-7107 between 5:00 and 7:00. THOMAS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 615 Michigan National Bank Bldg. WO 2-3536 "PERSONALIZED PERSONNEL PLACEMENT' Looking for employment? Register Today Looking for employees? Call WO 2-3536 The Finest in Industrial and Business Oportunities: Engineering, Management.

Sales and Office Positions. Fast Action Without Publicity. EMPLOYERS PERSONNEL SERVICE 614 Post Bidg. WO 2-8541 Help Wanted -Male 12 MALE time keeper-checker. Must be accurate.

Insurance; pald vacation: fringe benefits; profit sharing. Apply to personnel office, McGraw Electric Lonergan Manufacturing Division, 704 Clark Albion, Michigan. A 1 Tool and Die Maker No others need apply. Top wages, overtime and insurance benefits. Apply in person, Die Products 2569 Dickman Rd.

YOUNG MAN Job on parking lot. Age. 16 to 20. Good pay. Easy work.

Apply 4:00 p.m. on parking lot at 21 W. Jackson across from No. 1 Fire Station. SALESMAN Experience not necessary, ages 21 40, to collect and sell on an established insurance route.

Must be high school graduate. Guaranteed salary $78.25 weekly. Phone WO 2-3814 from 8:30 to 4:00. DIE DESIGNER Toolmaker 25 to 35 years of age with some drafting training, who desires to become a die designer on sheet metal stampings. Permanent position.

Top salary to the right man, plus maximum fringe benefits. Auto Parts located in Southern Michigan. Write Box F-900, Enquirer and News. MAN for service station. Write giving qualifications to Box H-900, News.

MANAGEMENT TRAINEES I can place 2 men in an executive program with a large national finance organization. No experience necessary if willing to participate in a carefully planned management training program. Prefer age, 23 to 31. High school graduate, auto necessary at times. Exceptional employee benefits, hospital and surgical insurance, savings opportunities, outstanding retirement plan, paid vacations, and many others.

interview Phone Mr. Stevens at WO 2-5776, 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon; 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.

NEED wire straightener operator-packershipping clerk. Dare Products Inc. Dickman Road at 20th St. YOUNG MEN 21-35 To Train For Sales Promotion Representative Pay Scale Per PAID VACATION BONUS PLAN $100 Per Week To Start $150 After 30 Days Apply Monday through Friday 10 to 12 Noon; 2-4 p.m. 115 W.

Territorial Rd. Suite 212 A GOOD SALES JOB Looking for a Good Man We need an energetic, aggressive appliance sales representative to sell one of America's leading appliance lines "FRIGIDAIRE" (Product of General We offer you a guaranteed salary plus incentive bonus (earnings unlimited.) Opportunity for rapid advancement Inside and outside selling, special floor days, prospects furnished. Liberal car allowance. Paid vacation and all other modern employe benefits. Stop in and talk it over with A.

B. Sears or 0. N. Jones CONSUMERS POWER CO. 24 Capital Ave.

N.E. SERVICE salesmen wanted. 850 a week guaranteed plus commissions. Inquire 181 W. Michigan From 9:00 a.m.

to 9:00 p.m. Out Our Way By Williams this issues moors more ing in cents Whereabouts, Status Must Be Made Known Michigan women, for the first time in the history of selective service, now will draft be boards required informed to keep of their whereabouts and availability for military Col. services. Holmes, state selective service director, said both men and women who were transferred to "standby reserve" of any of the armed forces now must report to their local selective service board under one of the lesser-known requirements of the 1955 reserve act. Affects 4,500 in State More than 4,500 Michigan reservists already have been screened to the standby reserve by the armed forces, Col.

Holmes said. He said the number is expected to increase to 20,000 by December. The standby reserve, he said, will expand rapidly as the armed forces screen out ready reservists who completed their obligated service or who are not available for immediate call to emergency duty. Michigan local boards, Col. Holmes reported, are already setting up records, mailing out questionnaires and determining the availability of reservists for recall to active duty.

New Board Responsibility Standby reservists, the draft director explained, may not be recalled to active duty except in a war or national emergency by Congress. Local draft boards now have the new responsibility of keeping a constant inventory of the stand ing reserve and determining the specific category of each reserv-1 ist's availability for recall to active duty in any future emer- gency. Set Up 3 Categories Each standby reservist will be assigned by his local draft board to one of the three following categories: 1-R-Available for active duty. 2-R-Not available for active duty because of civilian occupation. 3-R-Not available for active duty because of extreme hardship and privation to dependents.

All standby reservists are required to keep their local boards informed of their address and occupational and dependency status. Availability for recall to active duty wili be determined on the basis of a questionnaire returned by each reservist plus any supporting information. Reservists will be assigned to their local board where they registered under the selective service act. Women and others not subject to registration will be assigned to the local board having jurisdiction over their current residence. Jail Term, $100 Fine Face Drunken Driver Frank Michael Doyle, 58, of 103 Green was jailed for five uays and fined $100 plus costs after he pleaded guilty to driving before Bedford Township Justice Martha E.

Hard Monday. Doyle was arrested by sheriff's officers Saturday night on M-96. In default, of payment Doyle would have to serve an additional 75 days in jail. He automatically loses his license for a period of from 90 days to two years. 51st State Police Post Opens Next Month LANSING-4P-The 51st state police post will be opened this September in Wayland, some 15 miles south of Grand Rapids.

The post will occupy a onestory building at 520 N. Main st. (US-131), state police said. It will be manned by one sergeant and seven troopers. New posts have been opened already this year at Bridgeport, Calumet, Stephenson and Petoskey.

A subpost has been opened at Munising. A 52nd post will be opened somewhere in Gratiot County later. The Legislature has appropriated money for a building to house the post. THE BATTLE CREEK ENQUIRER AND NEWS 57th Year of Publication Published week-day evenings and Sunday mornings by Federated Publications, Inc. Battle Creek.

Mich. Telephone: WO 4-7161 Full reports of the Associated Press. United Press. AP News Photo Service, AP Wirephoto and NEA Service, Inc. (The Associated Press 1s exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein).

SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier delivery: 40 cents per week. $1.80 per month. $5.20 for three months, $10.40 for six months, $20.80 per year. By mail In trading $1.25 per month, $3 for three months, $5.50 for six months. $10 per year.

By mail elsewhere In Michigan: $1.50 per month. $4 for three months, $7.50 for six months. $14 per year. By mail outside Michigan: $2 per month, $5.75 for three months. $11 for six months, $20 per year.

(Postage addltional to foreign countries.) Entered as second class matter at Battle Creek, postoffice. National advertising representatives: Sawyer, Ferguson. Walker New York, Chicago, Detroit. Philadelphia. Los Angeles, San Francisco and Atlanta.

YOUNG LADY WITH PERSONALITY to work at record counter. Must be able to work nights. APPLY IN PERSON KNIGHT'S 1396 W. Michigan Bishop Pocahontas "The Original" All Sizes Available SKIDMORE COAL 52 Capital, S.W. WO 2-5541 LIQUID GOLD WELL, IM GOING IT'S TH' MOST WATER OVER WITH IT.


W. 2 EXPERIENCED combination are and acetylene welders for afternoon shift. Paid vacation and insurance plan. Allen Industrial Products. 97 Liberty.

SALESMAN with retail experience to work in paint and wallpaper store. Permanent position. Harman's Paint Store, 41 E. Michigan. EXPERIENCED Press Brake operator for afternoon shift.

Must be able to read blue print and set up own machine. Apply Allen Industrial Products, 97 Liberty. AMBITIOUS men with cars to $30 paid daily plus liberal bonus paid monthly. A one call proven proposition. no investment required, thorough training given.

See D. Farris, Arlington Hotel. Coldwater. Michigan. 8:00 to 9:30 evenings Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, WANTED Plant Manager for Branch Factory engaged in wire and metal manufacturing.

Excellent opportunity in ing organization with salary based on results. Replies strictly confidential. Include detailed personal information and experience in application. Write Box G-850, News. YOUNG MEN 19-30.

California Free to travel Florida, Texas. and return. Transportation furnished. Expenses advanced. Average earnings $87.50 weekly.

Apply Mr. Spotts. Gilbert Hotel, 10 7 p.m. Help Wanted -Female 13 EARN free Christmas toys. Extra bonus for early parties.

Phone WO 3-2218. FIRST CLASS secretary. Must be neat, and able to meet people. Good in shorthand and dictaphone. Salary according to qualifications.

Insurance benefits; paid vacations; many fringe -conditioned office. Immediate opening. Apply to personnel office, McGraw Electric Co. Lonergan Manufacturing Division. 701 Clark Albion, Michigan.

WANTED Medical technologists or technician. Excellent opportunity for recent graduate to perform simple routine laboratory work. such as urinalysis. blood counts. blood sugars, for after hours and possible Sunday work.

Need not be registered but interested in advancement. Call or write W. G. Gamble M.D., Central offices, Clinical Laboratories. 2010 Fifth Avenue.

Bay City, Michigan. Telepnone 3-6381. NEAT appearing ladies to demonstrate Stanley nome products. Must have car. No experience necessary.

Call WO 3-5970. GIRL for salad and set-up work. tween 18-35. Apply in person. 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.

The Hickory House, 915 W. Territorial. EXPERIENCED COOK Hours 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No Sundays or Holidays Apply in Person GODDE'S KOFFEE KLATCH 9 E.

Michigan Ave. WOULD LIKE lady to live in my apartment and care for 6-year-old girl nights. Call WO 3-2427 after 3:00. YOUNG LADIES Under 30. Free to travel Florida, Texas, California and return with chaperoned group.

Transportation furnished. Expenses advanced. Average earnings $78.50 weekly. Apply Mrs. Spotta, Gilbert Hotel.

10 1. 7 p.m. TOYS TOYS TOYS The House of Plastic Avon, the largest toy party plan in the country, needs demonstrators in the mid-west territory. No delivering. no collecting, high commission.

Call today for appointment, WO 3-4692. W' ITRESSES wanted full time or parttime. Prepare now for work after school starts. S. S.

Kresge Dime Store, 35 W. Michigan. COOKS Must apply in person for day work. The Hop-Shop Restaurant. 158 W.

Michigan. WOMAN interested in selling better millinery, experience not necessary. Wanting to learn more important. Apply Mrs. Lancaster, manager millinery, second floor.

L. W. Robinson. GIRLS, 15 or over, to work in concession stand at Battle Creek DriveIn Theater full or -time. Apply to Stand manager after 6:00.

GIRLS, 18 or over. to work nights in concession stand at Westpoint Auto Theater. Apply after 5 p.m. WOMAN to help with 2 small children and horsework. Able to live In.

$15 weekly, Call WO 2-0516. WANTED Girls. 18 or over, for car hops. Apply in person, Addie's DriveIn, 956 E. Michigan.

LADY for housework and care of 2 children, Urbandale area. WO 3-5112. AVON PRODUCTS has established territory open near your home NOW. Customers waiting for service. Write: Avon.

617 S. Hooker Three Rivers, Michigan, or call WO 8-6151. BABYSITTER after school begins. 1:30 p.m. p.m.

Monday through Friday. Call after 6:00 p.m, WO 3-9549. WANTED Someone to care for 44- year-old boy. Live in, some housework. Phone W0 2-2769.

BABYSITTER. 7:30 to 5:00, 5 days week. 214 Howland St. after 6:00. HOUSEWIVES.

and earn fall extra expenses money in your for spare time No experience necessary. Phone W0 3-8591. TYPIST Experienced typist for general office work. Permanent position. APPLY JOS.

C. GRANT CO. 40 W. Michigan Ave. Phone WO 4-7148 WAITRESS WANTED Uptown Bar, 16 W.

State EXPERIENCED waltress. Good pay. Consult Sam Orphan, Veterans Grill, 251 W. Michigan. MIDDLE-AGED woman to care for two children nights.

live in. Phone Wo 4-7471 before 2:30. WANTED Lady, middle-azed, to care for tWO children, also light housework, 5 days a week. Own tion necessary. Call WO 2-2570.

Ref- erences wanted. WANTED Women for bakery shop. Apply in person between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Allman and Cummins, 35 E.

Michigan. Loans to $500 31 (Continued) CASH LOANS $10 to $500 On Low Payments Save On Your Loan Cost Compare Our Rate Call Art Donnelly WO 2-6876 at Lakeview Finance Co. Lakeview Lakeview 15 (115) W. Territorial Rd. Lots of Free Parking FOR MONEY $10 to $500 See MICHIGAN LOAN CO.

W. AND JIM SUMNER 1200 Wolverine Tower Phone WO 2-5144 Deal with the Owners Here LIVESTOCK EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 13 (Continued) EXPERIENCED craft worker for local hospital. Write Box K-900. News, giving experience and qualifications. GIRL wanted to work in photo lab.

Experience preferred. but not necessary. Apply in person at Mead Brothers, is N. Jay. AVON PRODUCTS are In great demand.

Customer acceptance highest in history. Open territories available for over 30 to earn good income. Write: Avon. 617 S. Hooker Three Rivers, Michigan or call WO.

8-6151. Salesmen, Agents 15 ATTENTION SALESMAN It you, can sell to people with whom you nave a definite appointment and who nave expressed a desire to OWD our products. this is your big opportunity to join one of America's oldest and largest sales organizations. For personal and confidential interview call WO 5-5121. Ask for Mr.

Nelson Monday through Friday, 1:00 to 4:00. THIS AD Is directed at the man who now has business and would like 1 to change, or the man who would like a business of his own. Because of an injury and subsequent illness, our present dealer will no longer be able to handle this business. The opening now available is franchised dealership in all of Calhoun, Branch St. Joseph Counties with the world famous Snap-On Tools Corp.

If you are a man of energy and ambition who wants to get ahead In A business of his own with limitless earnings, check this now. Write SNAP-ON TOOLS 93 Piquette St. Detroit 2. Michigan Situation Wanted- -Female 17 LADY desires housekeeping for gentleman. Call Wu 3-7458.

IRONINGS wanted, $1.00 an hour Phone WO 2-7217 WASHINGS wanted- Will pickup. Reasonable prices. Phone WO 2-4334. IRONINGS and sewing done in my home. 21 High St.

Side door, mornings. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 34 FOR LHASE-Two-Day major oil company station. Average monthly gallonage, 20,000. Inventory and equipment investment required. Station now open.

Call WO 4-0225. SERVICE station for lease: Texaco Petroleum Products. Financial assistance available. For information call WO 8-6151. FOR LEASE Modern 2-bay service station located on W.

Main. Stock and equipment. Investment will be required. Financial assistance available. Call WO 8-6151, STORE for rent.

first block off bank corners east. Suitable for gift shop. barber shop. lunch counter. card shop.

Reasonable rent. Write box J-900. News. Land Contracts 35 HAVE cash buyers tor good tand contracts. Prompt service.

HENRY E. HAAN. Broker. WO 8-8946. WILL pay cash tor your land contract.

Will be glad to answer your questions about land contracts. Call EMMONS. Broker. W0 4-7468. WANTED -Land Contracts Have Several Buy Good Land Contracts FRANK C.

EIFLER, Realtor Phone WO 2-5437 or WO 5 5292 LAND contracts bought and sold. We have cash buyers. V. C. HENDRICK Real Estate Insurance.

WO 2-8543. Family Budget Control 35-A BUDGET YOUR DEBTS Call General Adjustment Service 1508 Wolverine Tower Phone WO 2-4091 Mortgages and Loans 36 Real estate mortgage loans arranged. Land contracts bought and sold. Phone Davis 3-3645. BOHANNA-CLARK, E.

Mich. Ave. WO 8-8161. Loans to $500 31 Loans $10 to $500 In One Trip CITY FINANCE CO. 25 N.E.

Capital Phone WO 2-1063 LOANS -Same Day Service -Simple Requirements Loans Without Endorsers Single or married persons may borrow up to $500 for shopping expenses, to pay over -due bills. or any good purpose. Service is fast and friendly. Money usually the same day Household Finance CORPORATION Capital S.W., corner of Michigan 2nd Floor Phone W0 2-4008 Personal Loans. Car.

Furniture. Notes. Call BATTLE CREEK LOAN co. Phone WO 3-2590 57 East Michigan Farm Animals 40 RIDING horse and saddle, wondertul with children. WO 3-4007.

38 Ridgemoor. SINGLE horsetraller, built to meet Humane Society law, light weight, nearly new. New tires and license, $85.00. WO 2-2636. PONY.

6, gentle for children, trained for riding, harness and show, WO 8-5153, Dept. or after 5:00, Tekonsha 181. 2 cows. fresh. Bangs tested.

Parkway 9-7478. Poultry and Supplies 41 WANTED All kinds of live poultry. Doyle's Market. 261 S. Washington.

Phone WO 2-5539. WE NOW HAVE MASTER MIX CALORIZED EGGLAC PELLETS To increase your egg production and keep, your birds healthy this higher energy and lower fibre egglac. Battle Creek Feed Grain Co. 772 Emmett St. Ph.

WO 3-1585 Battle Creek, Michigan FOR SALE White Rock roosters. 3 miles out North Ave. WO 4-6351, FRYERS and hens, 25c 1b. Rock hens and fryers, 20c lb. See alive.

See dressed. Chicken Charlie, 162 8. Washington. WO 3-4653. WO 3-4268.

Pet Stock and Supplies 42 POMERANIAN Toy (female) 6 months A.K.C. registered. Call WO 4-0978 mornings, Peerless Canned Peerless Crunchy Ration Peerless Sportsman Kibbled Bisquit A. K. ZINN CO.

46 Liberty WO 4-0851 BRITTANY spaniels, A.K.C. 4 and 5 months. Champion lines. Ready to start this fall. Kalamazoo Fizeside 5-8870.

5924 Mt. Vernon. BOXER puppies sired by son of Futuramic. Also puppies out of a daughter cf Futuramic. A.K.C.

registered. mile east. mile north. Union City, Michigan. Route 1.

Dewane AcMoody. FOR SALE Registered Beagles and Coon dogs. Contact Sam Schwartz, Centerville, Michigan, Route 1. Call evenings, no Sunday calls. GUARANTEED CHOICE BABY PARAKEETS SEEDORFF'S 43 Capital N.E.

Phone WO 4-7323 CINNAMON monkey and cage for sale. 33 Sanitarium Ave. 2 FEMALES. 8 weeks old, father registered beagle. $2.00.

Mrs. John Hunt, 23476 Waubascon Road. WO 4-6230. A.K.C. registered black male co*cker Spantel, years old.

$20. Phone WO 3-2116. AT SEEDORFF'S Pet Store. Saturday, A.K.C. registered 2-months Scotch collie pups.

$25.00. WO 4-7323, WO 4-9767. TRAINED rabbit beagles, try before buying. Beautiful registered beagle pups, 3 months old. $15 each.

WO 4-1267. MERCHANDISE Coal co*ke Wood 45 Insure winter comfort. Order coal your now. Call us for new furnaces, also for cleaning and repairing. GREEN STAMPS PLAXTON COAL Phone WO 8-6177 Pocatan Egg or Lump We clean and repair furnaces Cooperative Fuel Supply 132 Capital Ave.

8.W. Ph. WO 4-7101 Farm Produce 46 NEW LARGE POTATOES 10 LBS. 69c 50 IB. BAG NO.

1 B'S $1.98 TOMATOES ....10 IBS. $1.50 ONIONS 6 LBS. 49c GREEN BEANS 7 LBS. $1.00 OR $2.98 BUSHEL APPLES $1.49 BUSHEL UP MILK GAL. hom*oGENIZED 32c FRUIT FAIR 878 E.

MICHIGAN AVE. SWEET corn and tomatoes Sandstone House. South Wattles Road. Phone WO 3-3504. STILL good huckleberry picking Strohm's.

Two miles east of Bedford or fifth house from Court School on Pennfield Road. WELLWOOD Gardens Cucumbers for picking. Corn and string beans for canning and freezing. Potatoes. WO 3-9684.

duch*eSS apples are now ready. HITcrest Orchards, 8 miles out W. Michican, mile north. Phone RE 1-5659. duch*eSS.

Early McIntosh, Crab apples for Jelly; pure cider vinegar. Parson's, 1817 Capital N.E. WO 2-3825. SWEET corn for freezing. $1 a bushel Weaver, Phone WO 2-6934 EARLY hybrid and improved Golden Bantam sweet corn.

Cabbage, tomatoes. beans. N. Princton. WO 4-7913.

COMPLETE INSTALLATION of Round 26 Gauge GALVANIZED GUTTERING For 24x36 foot Gable House $55 Complete House Installation Only! Call for free estimate. Phone WO 2-6581 Sears Building Materials Dept. SEARS ROEBUCK CO. 235 Capital, S.W..

Battle Creek Enquirer from Battle Creek, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.