St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

8B ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH TUESDAY, JULY 26,1988 5595-Help Wanted 5595-Help Wanted 5595-Help Wanted 5595-Help Wanted 5595-Help Wanted 5595-Help Wanted 4315 BidsProposals Wtd 4405 Personal! 5535 Situations Wanted 5595 Help Wanted Factory Ship Receive 776-1230 TWO Liberal males wish to corre INTERIOR DESIGNER With a minimum of 3 years experience in residential and commercial Interiors. Lococo Design, 8000 Clayton Rd. 644-6400. I will take care of the sick and el-derly by the hour, day or week.

11 Warehouse automotive APPRENTICE AUTO BODY REPAIR PERSON Call Mon. 9am-5 645-1081. spond, write: P.O. Box 1824, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. yrs.

experience. 6iB337-Z407. Man bartender seeks position, nice 4415 Business Personals resT.tounge, ai yrs. 3M-yiuo, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE CONSTRUCTION WORK Sealed bids tor construction of a public recreational area (Coffmon Beach Access) composed of roadways, parking areas, concrete boat launching ramp and other related work, located adlacent to the Lake ot the Oiarks near Rockv Mount in Morgan County Missouri will be received at the Missouri Department of Conservation, Engineering Sec MANAGER Need managers to supervise cleaning crews in the St. Louis area.

Hours are 3:30 p.m. Midnight, Mon. Fri. Starting salary plus benefits. Previous supervisory experience helpful.

It interested, send resume to: MANAGER BOX E37 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 Manufacturing NURSE: Prlv. DutyDomestic Serv.

CENTRAL STATION OPERATOR Great opportunity for right person, Steady employment, good benefits. Must type 40 WPM and eniov working with public. Will train. Apply in person, Mon. thru Fri CENTRAL DISTRICT ALARM 6450 Clayton Ave.

St. Louis MO. 63139 JANITORCLEANER PART TIME positions available In ail areas of City and County. Morning, afternoon and evening hours available. Apply In person between M-F, 2728 Grovois, 63118, or send resume.

exp. nei. Md-iwt, Automotive AUTO MECHANIC St. Louis Hondo taking applications for a part-time mechanic to work from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday.

Apply in person or ask for Matt between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 SALESMAN, seeklno lona term full 776-1230 Start Now. No exp. $5-7 (fee) Forklift Job-Mart, Inc. Employment Listing Service FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Rapidly expanding company looking for a Business Manager experienced in financial reporting.

A degree and experience in financial reporting required. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Send resume to: P.O. Box 1930 Falrvlew Heights, IL 62206 Business, Home and Auto Owners Classified AT YOUR SERVICE Your Answer to Needed Services at Low Cost! p.m. Monday thru Friday.

If vou are 23 years of age with a minimum of 1 year experience, then; you can increase your earning Sotential. Our top drivers earn 700,00 per week! Sign up bonus paid Liberal benefits Annual vocation pay Fuel and performance bonuses-paid monthly Weekly pay guaranteed Medical Life Insurance available Yearly safety bonuses Contact us today so you might qualify- CALL 800-433 8792 Ask for Driver Personnel BJM DRIVER SERVICES, INC. "Providing Drivers For The Trucking Industry" Data Processing PROGRAMMERS PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS NOT JUST A JOB AN OPPORTUNITY Your experience level and present salary determine where you fit in the above salary-range. COBOL experience on any mainframe lets you undertake multiple applications, get a substantial raise and loin an expanding data center. GENERAl EMPLOYMENT professional employment service 231-7400 720 Olive Suite 602 time employment.

Background: telecommunications equip, office machines and food, Prepared to do the things necessary to get results. Recent departure from employ-ment. Let talk. Coll Roy, 752-1 707. 894-1330 ST.

LOUIS HONDA tion, 2901 West Trumon Boulevard, P.O, Box 160, Jefferson City, Mis JEWELER. Inside person, experienced at counter or bench. Mon-Frl, Appearance, personality ond jewelry knowledge important. 241-9562, ask for Ron. souri 65)02 until: 1:30 p.m., C.D.T., Tuesday, August 16, 1W8 LABORERS No experience necessary.

Maior YOUNG, single and aggressive Plant Controller with 4 years exper. In Fortune 100 Co. and 2 years as Temp seeks permanent position and then publicly opened and read, A certified check, bank draft, or a (NED EXTRA CASH WE'LL CASH YOUR POSTDATED CHECK UP TO S100. 389-2274 CHURCH ORGANIST Position at St John UCC in Trenton, III. Interested parties contact Mary Pennington 9-5 at 618-224-73 1 for more Information.

corp. will train. $4.50 per hour plus oia oono executea dv me piaoer AUTOMOTIVE BOOKKEEPER Metro Import auto dealer Is seeking a person to handle AP, AR and payroll for 50 people. Computer experience required. Send resume and salary history.

Reply to: Automotive Bookkeeper BOX 522 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, 5t. Louis, Mo. 63101 wgrowin company, Ed, 863-4081 uuiu. aiier i r.wt, oniy ai and an approved Surety Company FIT-UP PERSONS For steel fabrication, tanks, etc.

Work from prints. Experienced. Apply In person Continental Fabricators 5601 West Park St. Louis, MO 63110, qsk tor won jonnson. 5565 BeautyBarber Shop in me amount ot rive percent ot me bid shall be submitted with each Laborers apace 10 went Open Shop, Laborers and Concrete orooosa CLEANERS-PART TIME Apply in person: Chesterfield Cinema, Chesterfield Center.

Equal Opportunity Employer Plans and specifications can be se $Need EXTRA WE'LL CASH YOUR POSTDATED CHECK UP TO HOO. 352-6800 Beautician rimsners. appiv in person or call: Booth rental friendly atmosphere, exc. location, beaut, spacious salon. Davs until 330 LANDSCAPENURSERY LABOR, S4hr.

Call 576-5697, 9-4, Mon-Fri. FOREMAN Looking for experienced Foreman, Assistant Foreman, Operators and-Shipplng and Receiving Person In the injection molding business. Salary negotiable upon experience. Call 351-7744. cured trom ine tngineering section, Missouri Department of Conservation, 2901 West Truman Boulevard, P.O.

180, Jefferson City Missouri 65102, for a fee of $50.00 per set, by bidder's check payable 869-3611, eves. 831-0145 aft. 4 p.m. DELIVERY DRIVERS Due to the rate ot growth, American Delivery Service, Inc. has im CIEANER-SPOTTER Full time, good starting salary, exper.

only, good working apply in person: ONE HR. MAR-TINIZING, 11042 Olive Blvd. 567-3583 DETECTIVE SERVICES persons traced, surveillance work obtaining evidence for court. MARK ADELMANSVCS. 721-0501 LIFEGUARDS Must be certified, City and county, Drivers ROUTE DRIVERS START IMMEDIATELY Earn $2O0-S35O per week driving an Ice Cream Vending Truck.

No experience necessary we train. Must be at least 18 years old with a good driving record. Apply in person, 8am-noon, at 4230 North Broadway. 421-0470 Linda 5575 Employment Referrals LIGHT INDUCTDIAl Automotive NEW CAR SALES Position available tor aggressive Individual with a desire to succeed. Minimum 2 yrs.

experience re-Quired wproven track record. Top pay plan. Demo benefits furnished. Apply In person between 10-noon or 2-4 pm, Mon, Frl. Kirl(wood Mitsubishi LINDBERGH MANCHESTER mediate openings for neat and de-pendabie couriers.

Earn commission bonus. Economical vehicle or full size truck with insur West St. Louis County manufacturer is seeking an experienced Supervisor to assume the responsibility of Foreman of its first shift Turret Lathe and NC Equipment Department. Requirements include1 5trong supervisory skills, good metal turning background, strong knowledge of tooling, processing and methods of turret lathes and NC equipment, and have the ability to schedule and organize work flow. If vou feel you meet these requirements, send resume and salary history to: Attn: General Manager STANDARD MACHINE AND MANUFACTURING CO.

100 4 Big Bend Blvd. (At 1-44 Exit) AIRLINE JOBS ST. LOUIS For info, 1-(312 369-5400 Ext. A 302 Immediate openings. Victor Tem-porory Services, 878-6115, ERASE BAD CREDIT! DOIT YOURSELF) DOUBLE BACK GUARANTEE 312-499-1400, 24 hour recording CLEANING Evenings, port time, clean record.

ance requirea. Apply in person: to Missouri Department ot conservation. Bidders must agree to comply with Prevailing Wage Rate Provisions and other statutory regulations referred to In the specifications. DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION STATE OF MISSOURI JERRY PRESLEY, DIRECTOR ion 3tv-B6ij. FURNITURE FINISHER ROTHMAN FURNITURE-O'Fal-Ion, MO.

Full time. 3 years exper! ence wood, some upholstery. Call ROTHMAN FURNITURE 291-1199 Ask (or Jerry Wtiited iuai inaianneoa inoustriai Biva. FED GOV'T JOBS i DELIVERY MACHINE OPERATORS Primary secondary machinery 351-2400 JOB MART (lee) 426-4004 Full-time. Deliver invoices for ad FOUND 721, near New Hails Ferry and Shackelford In Florissant, Brown and white dog.

921-0938 Drivers-To $1 vertising company. Call 961-2127. St. Louis Hiring. Info 1-1312) M9-5400 Ext 148.

Ref. seel. 5575 DENTAL ASSISTANT RECEPTIONIST MACHINE OPERATOR Downtown company seeks mechanically inclined persons to operate simple turret lathes and other cleaning HAVE YOU EVER FELT PAST EMPLOYERS DIDNT CARE ABOUT YOU? If vou are a conscientious person capable of quality work, you will never have to put up with that philosophy again! Receive excellent pay, training, insurance, and incentives. Call 837 )301 NOW and be rewarded for your work. (tor project information con-fact Ed Kuhlmannat Engineering Section at 314751-41 IS) Experience preferred.

Full and YOU DREAM IT, WE'LL DO IT "teleWISH" 1-512-655-3555 24-HOURS AUTOMOTIVE OPENINGS Auto Body S7-10 Auto Mechs $5-7 CashiersClerks $4-5 Detailers S5-8 Diesel Mech S7-10 TuneupsS5-6 Transm. S6-B Parts Del. S4-5 426-4004 JOB MART (tee) 351-2400 port time. Clayton office. 721-2346.

maenmes mai tnread castings. $6.18 per hour health Insurance. GOVERNMENT JOBS now hiring. For Into, mm 717-1000 Ext. 501 Over the road Jllhr average Local SlOhr average Straight truck, tractor, van 4 more.

351-2400 Start NOW 426-4004 Manv open. Should be able to start Immediately. JOB MART (fee) DENTAL ASSISTANT 2 to 3 atternoons per week. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OWNER: The Board of Regents for the Southwest Missouri State Alone and Single? FREE Brochure. Date-Motes Inc.

Box 2328-SG7, General FUN JOB JEANS SNEAKERS NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Looking for 6 people able to start work immediately. Must have cor. If you're not making $295 a week and would tike to call 872-3483. South County. 487-7707 Decotur, IL 62526 1-600747-MATE oiur i rmmeaioieiy, sena resume MACHINE OPERATOR BOX 827 POST-DISPATCH 900 N.

Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 Drivers DENTAL ASSISTANT I can teach you to dance so that onyone will want to be your partner. Call Sharon at 838-5867. Experienced four day week.

Fringe CLEANING PERSONS needed at Vic Tonny Int'l Women's club. Full and part-time positions available. Apply In person, Mon. Fri 7393 Forsyth, Clayton, MO. Automotive PARTS COUNTER PERSON Needed.

Must have Cadillac experience. Send resume to: P. O. Box 12818, St. Louis, MO 63141-0218.

GOVERNMENT JOBS St. Louis AREA, immediate openings! Call retundable. For Into, 1-1312) 369-54O0, Ext. 130 Machine Shop Supervisor oeneiiTs. lurxwooa area, wMif, TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Immediate openings.

Bulk experience helpful. Must have diesel semi experience. Call Monday-Friday; or Sat, 9-10am. (618) 271-4414. Excel-lent opportunity.

EOE NEVER MISS ANOTHER CALL! 24 Hour Answering Service or voice moll, as low as S15 Mo. Coll 644-0222 DENTAL ASSISTANT. Expert enced, full time, Clayton, 727-2288. Tool manufacturer In Kansas City needs supervisor of machine shop. Experience required on mills, General Help pays $456hr.

Train today. Bonus paid daily. South 966-5339 North 427-7878 DENTAL ASST.RECEPTIONIST St. louis, Missouri 63122 MARKETING ANALYST Dun and Bradstreet the 1 business Information company In the U.S. has an opening for on entry level Data Gathering Position.

Looking for protes sional assertive individuals to prepare business information reports. All maior benefits provided. Call Mon-Frl, 997-0882 ext. 449 between 9-11 a.m. to discuss the position Dun 8.

Bradstreet Is An Equal Opportunity Employer Very personable. Experience RELAXING MASSAGE MC 6 lfl-274-0588 Visa Have table, will travel preterrea. vn-ww. Automotive PROFESSIONAL AUTO BODY PAINT SPECIALIST Expanding facilities at new car truck dealership. Leove the hassle ot the city eniov the quiet life of scenic So.

Illinois. Send resume or aoolv bv ohone or in person: Mar 5595-Help Wanted Ads are sorted by title. Companies, organizations or Individuals are Ideptlfled by name, address, box number or telephone number. CLERICAL-GENERAL OFFICE Due to increased volume we have on immediate opening in Sunset Hills auto agency. Must be a self starter willing to take on a variety of clerical responsibilities.

Must possess good organizational and communication skills. Data entry ond accounting knowledge helpful. Salary benefit package. Send salary history with resume to: iume5, mocnine center, lnc chuckers. Must be able to make setups, read blueprints, write procedure sheets for production runs.

Supervise 10-15 peoole. Send resume to: ENSLEY TOOL COMPANY 420 East 10TH ST. North Kansas City, MO 644115 All Types $6hr to exp To $12hr $5hr and up To $12hr $6-8hr General Laborers Assembly Carpenters Clerical Construction Work Custodians Drivers (all types) Electronic Tech STOP FORECLOSURES. Cancel or adjust unoffordable debts. For free consultation, call 429-3877.

MASSAGE by certified Masseur Call More 721-3252 DENTAL Mid county office seeking 2 full time positions: Chair Side Assistant Business Manager Friendly personality required. Experience helpful, but not required 961-7732. Drivers TRUCK DRIVING INSTRUCTORS Full and part-time instructors for MTA professional truck driving school. Must be H.S. gradjGED with 3 years OTR.

Call Ted Tuerke or Sam Pruntv at 895-4111. An Equal Opportunity Employer shall, Taylor Mtr. Rt. 37 North, Benton, IL 62812 (618) 439-3121, Up to Sllhr Sealed bids for (1) WOODS HOUSE RE-ROOFING (2) MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, HAMMONS STUDENT CENTER (3) MISCELLANEOUS MODIFICATIONS, HAMMONS STUDENT CENTER and (4) LOCKER ROOM MODIFICATIONS, HAMMONS STUDENT CENTER, will be received at the Office of Physical Plant Administration, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri, until 2:00 p.m., August 4, 1988, and then publicly opened and read aloud. A ceritied check, bank draft, or bid bond executed by the bidder and approved surety company in the amount of five per cent (5) of the bid shall be submitted with each proposal.

Plans and specifications can be obtained from the Office of Physical Plant Administatlon, Southwest Missouri Sate University, Springfield, MO 65804, upon receipt of $25.00 refundable deposit. Attention of bidders Is particularly called to the requirements as to the conditions of employment to be observed. idders must adree to com PERFECTION 892-8098 CLERICAL-GENERAL OFFICE BOX 42e POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, Mo.

63101 i exper. Some entry level Factory Graphics Londscaoers MEAT CUTTERS Semi retired Meat Cutters. Part time work meat counter processing room. Only meat background and experience need apolv. Dvna-mite Food 83SO N.

Broadwav. SOMETHING GORGEOUS 773-4903 CLERICAL OPENINGS NOW CALL 421-1688 B.LOEHR TEMPORARIES DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Immediate opening for full time person with experience in receptionist, dental insurance, billing ond collections. Northwest County area. Call 739-3700. THERAPEUTIC MASSAGES Classes also available 487-3373.

$ionr $6-13hr $6-8hr Up to 13hr $7hr and up DRIVER TRACTOR TRAILER Must be at least 25 yrs. of age with 2 yrs. of verifiable tractor trailer exper. 20mi. to start.

1 wk. pd. vocation after 1 yr. Must be dependable ond willing to work. Apply in person 10-3 at 1401 S.

39th St. MEAT CUTTING GROCERY STOCK. Must have experience in grocery store. Apply in person: Northwav Market 5590 W.Florissant TOUCH OF SPICE for the alterno-tlve party. Coll 616-797-0538 Machine Operi Machinists Movers Helpers Nurses Packers Roofers Sales Salary -t Security Shipping A Receiving Supervisors Tuck pointers automotive SERVICE ADVISOR JOIN OUR TEAM OF QUALITY SERVICE PROFESSIONALS Immediate opening for experienced SERVICE ADVISOR.

G.M. experience preferred. Must possess good communication skills, and have a neat appearance. Excellent benefits. Call John Dunlap, 9654833 CHRIS AUFFENBERG CHEVROIET 1000 N.

Kirkwood Klrkwood, Mo. 63122 ABC'1 01 Politics JOBS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Work wMoPlrg on the Clean Water Campaign. Learn political skills. Call Sandy at 534-7477. ACCOUNTANTS ON CALL Specialists In permanent tempo-rory placement.

436-0500 or 57M006 ACCOUNTS PAYAULEClerlcal Entry level payables position. Filing, light typing and computer terminal experience required. Various other functions will be assigned as experience of lob Is acquired. Allan Air Products, 727-0422 1264 Ferguson, 63133 WEDDINGS BY MINISTER Our Church or Your Place. 843-9543 DENTAL TECHNICIANS All specialities Including Ceramics Department Manager.

Send resume with references: P.O. Box 3104, Fatrveiw Heights, IL 62208. MECHANIC clerical PART TIME CLERK TYPIST General office work. Experience on IBM computer with Displaywrite software program. Medical terminology helpful, Potential advancement to full time status.

Hours negotiable. Call Missy Norris between the hours of 8 lOom, 535-8627. union scale commission S5hr and up S5-Bhr S8hr and up Sohr and up MACHINIST TEMPORARY Manufacturing company In West-port area has a part time opening on the evening shift for an all around machinist. Must have at least 5 vears experience on all machine shop equipment. Ideal for moonlighter or retired person.

Send brief work history or opply at: WATIOW ELECTRIC 12001 Lock land Rd. St. Louis, MO 6314o A.S.E. certified Mechanics needed. Call Firestone, 968-4503.

EOE mfh MODEL, PART TIME AVAILABLE. 352-2821 DRIVER WANTED Local Delivery company is looking for qualified drivers with covered 4 cvl. truck only. 962-8000. MECHANIC and Tow Truck Opera- DENTIST needed for 2-3 daysweek in North County office.

821-7096 upnoisrerers wonr 4425 loans (Personal) Warehouse Laborers to mgmt Wood Workers $5-8hr ror. txperiencea on cars and light trucks. Incentive program. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE 8370 Olive, 993-3737 CLERK Excellent salary, good hours. Full or part time.

Frontenac Drugs, 10289 Clayton Rd 997-0311. ply with the prevailing wage rate provisions and other statutory regulations as referred to in the specifications. July 15, 1988 Marshall Gordon, President DESIGN ASSISTANT Prefer degree in design wexperi ence In residential interiors and display homes. Exciting opportunity to work with St. Louis' top design firm.

For oppt. Call Scott ot 991-1266 1100 1500 PERSONAL LOANS Lincoln Financial Service 618-236-2277 Belleville. Falrvlew Heights. 20 min, from Downtown St. Louis HELP WANTED In these areas and others call and tell us what you prefer 35 1-2400 Job 426 4004 MECHANIC Part-time to start evenings and weekends.

Tire and trailer exper. helpful. $7hr. to start. Apply in person.

SDX 1401 S. 39th St. EARLY BIRS! CAN YOU WORK 8 to 12 NOON? MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY? CAN YOU USE $100 OR MORE A WEEK? DISPATCHERMANAGER 5moll truck load carrier seeking dispatcher tor OTR and city drivers in truck toad operation. Salary nego. depending on exp.

and ship-per following If any. SDX 773-1000 Automotive SERVICE TECHNICIANS 5 Service Technicians needed immediately. Must have current GM certification, preferrably Cadi I toe. Dedicated and coring type people only need apply. Calf Jim Lynch Cadillac, 731-0880 for appointment from 1:30 to 5 p.m.

Monday thru Friday. Ask for Lorle Sheiton for time of interview. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PART TIME Accounts receivable office for medical practice In Kirk wood. Must nave previous medical office billing experience. Also good typing, telephone and adding machine skills.

Not presently on computer. three days weekly with occasional additional hours. To apply call 821-0500 after 9 am. MECHANIC School bus fleet, exp. desired, must have own tools.

Apply in person, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., School Services ond Leasing, 7910 Alabama. Equal Opportunity Employer MFHV CREDIT CARDS VISA MASTERCARD GUARANTEED Bad credit, bankruptcy. OK! 99 approved. For application call C1Z. REAL ESTATE, Business 1 Personal Consolidation Loans.

RLB ASSOCIATES, 938-4033 CLERKTYPIST Join our fast paced service related company. Immediate opening. Requirements: Pleasant phone personality, typing 45 WPM, general clerical duties, good benefits. Apply In person Mon. thru betw.

10-2 CENTRAL DISTR ICT ALARM 6450 Clayton Ave. St. Louis, MO. 63139 General laborers 351-2400 426-4004 malnt, 8. more.

Job Mart (fee) MECHANICS Clerk $5-6 ADVERTIsem*nT FORBIDS Sealed bids tor IMPROVEMENTS TO GENERAL HEADQUARTERS COMPLEX, MISSOURI STATE HIGHWAY PATROL, JEFFERSON Protect NO. 11-821-8-OO02(B), will be received at the Office of the Director, Division of Design and Construction, Office of Administration, State ot Missouri, Room 730, Harry Truman State Office Building, Jefferson City, Missouri 45102, until 1:30 P.M., August 18, 1988 and then publicly opened and read aloud. A certified or cashier's check or bid bond executed by the bidder and an approved Surety Company, In the amount of five percent of the bid shall be submitted with each Proposal. Plans and specifications can be secured from Malicoat-Winslow Engineers, P.C., S649 North Clear-view Road, Columbia, Missouri Leading newspaper promotion company needs your help in our St. Charles office.

278-3951 MRS. PETERSON SIGNATURE loans up to 150,000. Free details. Executive Interna-tlon, 9367 Richmond Suite 155, Houston, Texas 77043. 713-782-8939 GENERAL LABOR No experience necessary.

Maior corp. will train. $4.50 per hour plus bonus. Call after 1 p.m. only at 291-7557, ask for Tom Burton.

351-2400 426-4004 Experience cash handling, good math aptitude, handle all mail re-loted duties. JOB MART (lee) 4445 Entertainment automotive SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Convenient S. County dealership has full time, day position. Exc. opportunity for beginner good telephone skills.

Includes very nice benefit package. Send resume to: Business Manager FRED BROEG CHEVROIET 3900 Lemay Ferry Rd. ACTIVIST Since 1969, the Coalition for the Environment has been a leader in the envlromental community. Participate in campaigns designed to protect the environment and public health. Staff positions avail, per ma nentsummer.

Hours: 2-10 pm Salary S180 S220wkCall 727-0600. GENERAL MANAGER Pino franchise. Maryland Heights area. Experience preferred. Call 725-7000.

COLLECTION MANAGER TRAINEE National collection agency seeking professional telephone collectors to be trained in management while working as a telephone collector. Position offers salary, bonuses and all company benefits during training program. We have 30 branch offices and we need qualified managers. Please apply in person with resume to: District Manager, Central Adjustment Bureau, Inc. 502 Earth City Plaza Suite 111 Earth City MO 63045 DISPUTE SETTLERS Retired Builders, Property Adlust-ers, Property Appraisers, Engineers, Construction Experts, Code Inspectors, Architects, Construction Lawyers and Officers.

To act as dispute settlers (concillla-torsarbitrators) on a fee per hearing basis. Excellent part time opportunity to earn additional Income while setting your own hours. As a dispute settler, you will be participating in a major alternate process to costly, and time consuming litigation between new home owners and builders, Training course is paid bv the National Academy of Concilliators, Inc. Send resume to: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF CONCILIATORS, INC. 5510 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 1130 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 1-800-638-8242 FREE STARLIGHT CONCERT John Becker Band 7 P.M.

WED. JULY 27 Jewish Center For Aged 13190 S. Outer 40 Rd. Town Coun-try, Information: 434-3330 MAIL PROCESSOR Local area, exc. salary.

Flexible hours. Write to: 1032 Irving Suite 138, San Francisco, CA 94122. Repair shop needs Working Foreman and Mechanic for own fleet. New facility. 385-1842 Medical 1500 JOBS NOW Foreign and domestic.

All occupations. tax free. Call or send resume: 305-344-8605, ext 66. Power-Pay, 2139 University Suite 265, Coral Springs, Fl. 33071.

MEDICAL ASSISTANT SECRETARY Full time, experienced person for multi specialty group practice. Prefer someone with marketing background. Previous medical office experience a must. Send resume and salary requirements to: All Health, 2256 5. Grand, St.

Louis, MO 63104, Medical CNA--Full-timePart-time. Pleas-ont working environment in Kirkwood. Blind Girls Home, 966-6034 EDUCATIONAL SALES AGENT FOR ST. LOUIS AREA Person selected to represent a nationally accredited travel career training school. Must have strong direct sales experience and be able to manage sales people.

Excellent Income potential. Must be financially solvent. Contact: Mr. Charlie McKenzie 500 Nichols Rd. Suite 407 Kansas City, MO 641 12 816-531-2255 automotive TECHNICIANS IT PAYS TO BE CRAZY! Eastern Onion Singing Telegram needs people who love to perform In public.

Good money and it's fun. Call 842-3437. MAINTENANCE Employee. West County area. Full time.

Reply to: Maintenance BOX 630 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 General WILD AND CRAZY CAN'T BE LAZY Dynamic, youth oriented company expanding In area. Serious pay working with non serious-oeoole.

65202, upon deposit of $50.00 per set by certified, cashier's or company check payable to the Division of Design and Construction. Bidders If vou can do quality GM work and must agree to comply with Prevail COLLECTOR-TELEPHONE Experience helpful but not necessary. Must be at least 25 yrs old. KEYBOARD Player looking for weekend band. Lots of equipment, play guitar and sing.

618-345-7047. ing Wage Rate Provisions and other statutory regulations referred to MAINTENANCE HELPER Requirements are general maintenance experience including plumbing. Own transportation and some tools. Call 878-6767 tor appointment. tan mr.

Lewis wi-tibi after luam. in me specifications. Earn up to $400wk. or more while training. No exp.

necessary, must LEAD GUITARIST wants to loin or form heavy metal band. Call Chris Ronald L. Norrls, P.E., Director Division of Design A Construction have car. can wenay, Ot 464-J26U. ADMINISTRATIVE ASST.

-BUSINESS AND FINANCE Assist the Vice President with operational and administrative details, as well as perform all secretarial functions required in the area. Bachelor's Degree required, preferably in a business-related field. Minimum of 3 years secretarial experience Including typing, shorthand, transcription, and computer skills required. Training, education and experience will be considered In the overall selection process. To appiv submit a resume, 3 letters of reference, and official transcripts to the Personnel Office, Lincoln EDUCATION Behavior TeacherConsultant Certified in behavior disorders andor emotionally disturbed.

School setting. Apply in person at: 3815 Magnolia I a.m. 4 p.m. PROFESSIONAL DJ SERVICES 4365 Birth Announcements GLAZIER AUTO GLASS For all occasions. 429-4483.

COLLEGE STUDENTS Tired of your summer iob Earn Cleaning the environment, not tables. Work on campaign to stop toxic terror wMo-Pirg, the studentcitizen lobby. Training, rapid advance. 534-7477. DO YOU PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT? would change tor: Up to S15.35 per flat rate hour i Fair work distribution Modern clean facility Excellent equipment Competent management i GM trolning program i Excellent benefits Paid vacations Paid holidays Health, dental, optical insurance: family plan Call John Dunlap, 965-0833 CHRIS AUFFENBERG CHEVROIET 1000 N.

Kirkwood Klrkwood, Mo. 63122 We want the best GlazierAuto Glass installers for our new store Wanted lead singer for rock band. Coll Daryl 278-4181 or Tom 946-8257 ooenina in M. Louis, we are a na EOE MFHV 4455 Ticket Clearinghouse tional company with all the benefits Education Sales ANNOUNCE THE NEW ARRIVAL 3 Lines 2 Davs Only MOO Start Babv's Scrapboak Now! Call 421-6666 MAINTENANCE PERSON Self-employed. Insurance necessary.

Someexperience inapt, maintenance 4 pointing. S. County area. Reply to: Maintenance Person BOX E07 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St.

Louis, Mo. 63)01 MAINTENANCE PERSON RAMADA INN SOUTH Immediate opening for full-time Hotel experienced Maintenance Person. Knowledge of HVAC and refrigeration a must, as well as plumbing and electrical and all other phases of maintenance. Good pay and benefits. Call 894-0600, ext.

172. Henry. and hire pay than vou are receiving now. If vou are motivated and have a good attitude with a minimum of 5 vears experince and want a $500 ADMISSIONS DIRECTOR AIRLINE Tix-ST. LOUIS to Boston-Round trip, 1st class, Iv.

729, return 86, S290. BOSTON to St. L-lst class, Aug. 6, 1150 391-1514 Eves LUDWIG AEOLIAN Is now hiring sales people and management trainees tor immediate openings. Earn top in the industry selling modern organs and electronic keyboards, Medical, dental, sales bonuses.

Call now, COLLEGE STUDENTS Nu-View Window Company. Expanding dept. needs 20 experienced full and part-time students for the Summer. New bonus plan. Can earn up to SlOhr.

Air conditioned office. Dependable, hardworkers only. Call nonus to siari can now, 1-800-334-6582. CARDINAL BASEBALL TICKETS MOST MAJOR CONCERTS MCVISA 621 0558 GUARDS CityCounty, Licensed, universiTv.oTULnesinui Mreet, Jefferson City, MO 65101 before August 5, 1986. An AAEEO ADMINISTRATOR For historic landmark.

Duties in Armea. m.uu start. t-1 a. 4375-Found medical DIRECTOR OF NURSING LONG TERM CARE Florissant Nursing Center Is seeking an for the position of Director of Nursing. Candidate will assist with the administrative authority, responsibility and accountability for the functions, activities and training of the nursing services staff and assist with the total nursing care needs of ail residents.

Position offers excellent salary and benefit package and future growth opportunities. Apply Florissant Nursing Center, 615 Rancho Florissant, Mo. 63031. 839-2150. EOJ medical ECHO TECHNICIAN Experienced full time Echo Technician for office cardiology practice In Clayton.

Knowledge of mo-de2DDoppler. Reply in confidence with resume to: National private vocational school needs dynamic individual to set up and manage Admissions Department. Responsibilities include supervision of a telemarketing department, sale reps, and an advertising budget. School experience helpful. Salary plus commission, Will earn the right person S50K Call 389-8295, ask for Scott.

CROSBY, STILLS, NASH 578-0399. BOSTON BULL TERRIER, MALE, MANCHESTER AREA. 718. 432-8933 clude recruiting, training, suoervis- GYMNASTICS COACH andor COORDINATOR needed for YMCA program. Good starting wage.

Previous experience essential. Must be available weekends. Call Gordon 962-9450. 4465 Memberships automotive WANTED AUTOMOTIVE MANAGERS MECHANICS With tune up related experience for fast paced tune up speciality shop. Excellent pay plan, bonus and benefit package.

Please send resumes to: AUTOMOTIVE BOX 780, POST-DISPATCH 900 Tucker, St. Louis, MO 63101 fng volunteers, record keeping and managing premises. 5 day week. Occasional night work. Good start CAT ADULT MALE, GRAY Declawed, about 15 found 719 In the Debaliviere area.

454-9990 961-6815 741-6266 487-3636 421-1500 Gestwood Mall Jamestown Mall South County Mc St. Clair Square COLLEGE STUDENTS HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS National corp. with 150 offices nationwide has immed. openings for our summerfall work program. $8.10 To start Class accreditation possible AASP Scholarships Work around tall classes Transfers avail, to other cities VIC TANNY VIP Membership, rac-guetball and tennis included, 1750, call 725-5418.

MAINTENANCE PERSON RAMADA INN SOUTH Immediate opening for experienced Maintenance Person. Part-time evenings, experienced in HVAC and refrigeration, as well as all other phases of maintenance. Call 894-0600, ext. 172. Henry.

ing saiary ana wonting conamons. Send resume to: ADMINISTRATOR BOX 002 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 4475 Travel Transportation CAT, prettv little Calico, small, near Six Flags, very loveable, must Identify, 527-3630 Heavy Equipt.

Opers. $7-13. Dozers. Cats, loaders AUTO DRIVEAWAY COMPANY ion y-3 onty, wi-mo ELECTRICIAN Maintenance Electrician. Position requires knowledge of solid state logic circuitry and ability to trou-bleshoot machine controls.

Experience on numerical control machines helpful. Must have ability to run conduit ond pull wires. Send resume or apply in person to Natoli Engineering, 670 Goddord, Chesterfield. Mo, 63017. UKIVt LAN 5 MUST AREAS 726-2886 1155 FRANCIS PLACE FOUND: On Dillon Rd near Corla mixed Terrier, female, rust and block color, coll 671-0745 or 677-2863.

351-2400 426-4004 MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL AUTO SALES New or used, sales experience preferred. Earn above average with our top dealership, top benefits top management help. Call Ken or Tom. DICK OEAN VW-Subarg 227-0100 ROUND TRIP St. Louis to Austin, S10O.

Departing July 28, 12:01 Noon, returning Aug. 4, 4:45 p.m. 652-9557. COMMUNITY WORK Earn while helping low income people fight for jobs, housing, justice. Paid training.

Call ACORN 531-6617 between 9and 1. ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE Private college looking for motivated, energetic, intelligent individual. Sales experience preferred. No degree required but preferred. Base salary plus commission.

Con-tact Mr. Byrd at 632-5300. JOB MART (fee) FOUND: young female Shepherd black 8. tan, Compton Heights area. 772-8774.

DRAFTERS: 3 yrs. exp. in Mechanical, Electrical or PipingHVAC Resume to: BELCAN, Box 161, Ches-terfleld, MO 63006. 532 2552. Driver 4485 FishHunting Camps 4385 Lost Horticulture Tropical Maintenance Tech Excellent pay, benefits, must have car 645-8806.

ELECTRICIANS Self-motivated Electricians who HUNTING LEASE 8300 acres Mn. BABYSITTER, Mon-Fri mv Webster Groves home, car needed. PARTS DRIVER Please send resume; ATTN: Parts Manager 10144 Page Blvd. St. Louis, Mo.

63132 call 961-7081 evesywknds. AIRLINE CUSTOMER SERVICE Call 813-923-1613 ext. 80 Your area M-F 8-4 rles and Osage Counties near Linn, MO. 11.50 per acre, annually. Game feeders available.

Deer, turkey, auail, 8, dove. Limit 12 hunters. 1-800-255-2460, Bill Koester. Construction 1500 JOBS NOW Foreign and domestic. All occupations.

$70,000 tax free. Call or send resume: 305-344-8605, ext 66. Power-Pay, 2139 University Suite 265, Coral Springs, Fl. 33071, BABYSITTER NANNY BLACK LABRADOR Very friendly, answers to Rodney. Blue collar 8, tags.

Lost In Clayton area 723. Reword. 863-7072 CALICO CAT, gray, white and beige, female, answers to Starlit Gazer, disappeared Tuesday from ivervlew area. 869-3671. Medlcal-ECHO TECHNICIAN BOX F43 POST-DISPATCH 900 N.

Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 Medical HEAD NURSE ALASKA OPPORTUNITY Obstetric and nursery unit in Alaska capital city, Juneau, near top ot the scenic inside passage, tor 60 bed acute care facility. Approx. 500 deliveries annually.

Continuing education on sight. Relocation allowance, excellent benefits. Send resume to Director of Nursing, Bartlett Memorial Hospital, 3260 Hospital Juneau, AK. 99801. 907-5B6-8425 collect.

EOE AAE. Medical NURSE AIDES HOTEL Desfc Clerks Houskeeoers Maintenance Positions open. Apply tn person. Regal 8 Inn 3655 EOE Individual needed for apartment complex In Central West End. Must have air conditioner and heating skills along with light plumbing, electrical, and carpentry.

Excellent opportunity with an aggressive company. Send resume to: MAINTENANCE BOX 601 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 EOE MFHV Immediate full-time opening to care for our children in our Des Peres home.

Non-smoker. References. 965-6461 4495-Vacations DRIVERS. Energetic people, must know St. Louis Metro area, have '82 or newer vehicle and insurance.

Pay rates begin 1250-1500. 231-5053. AIRLINE POSITIONS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Customer Service, Flight Attendants, Mechanics, and Avionics. Entry level, good salaries. For hiring info.

Call 303-444-7900. COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER $50 Million Metro East Bank. Can would eniov the challenge and opportunity to ioin our team of crafts persons renovating railway passenger cars and locomotives. Must be able to: layout fit EMT rigid conduit; pull, label, and terminate control and power wiring; Install fixtures and control devices; read blueprints and specifications. Plan your work to meet job requirements, interact with other crafts for the timely completion of each protect.

To be considered for immediate openings, send your resume (no calls please) to: Kosten Railcor Services, Inc. 214 South Brown Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 CHIHUAHUA, small white female, vicinity Bayless Grade didate should have minimum 7-10 Maintenance cnooi, un kwaki qjfruflj Hotel RED ROOF INNS is seeking employees who are team players and not afraid of hard work. We have an opening for a Housekeeper. We offer secure position. Wages based upon experience and excellent fringe benefits.

If vou are interested, apply in person at, 5823 Wilson from 9am-3pm, Mon-Fri. Please no phone colls. Drivers $8-1 1 Local City County! Some need no exp! (fee) Start Now 776-1230 Job-Mart, Inc. Pay S6-12 Open 6 days Employment Listing Service Construction J5-I2 351-2400 426-4004 Carpentry, concrete, roofing, siding, heavy eauipt, supervisors, la- ALARM INSTALLERMONITOR $5-7hr Basic electronic bkgrnd 426 4004 JOB MART (tee) 351 2400 years loan experience both real estate and commercial. Excellent opportunity.

Salary commensurate with experience Send resume to: COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER BOX C45 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 DACHSHUND fern, black and tan, green nylon collar. 7th 8.

Clark in St. Charles. 717. Colt collect 1-258-3616 FEMALE dog, black and white, small Yt answers to Banchl, Masked face, Lindbergh- MAKE Vacation Plans with "Wake Up to Missouri" oorers. ujh job man i (tee) SHOP PERSON Duties include cleaning vehicles, changing tires, basic auto maintenance, various other maintenance duties.

Apply in person Mon, thru Frl. between 9 am and 11 am. CENTRAL DISTRICT ALARM, 6450 Clayton Ave. St, Louis Mo. 63139 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Must know mechanics of heating and air conditioning eauioment.

pappington area, yoo-iaui. AlARM MONITOR Thirty-two hours available. Over 21, must type; Afternoonmidnight shifts available. Weekendsholidays required. Call 9:00 a.m.

to 3:00 p.m., 997-3033. FEMALE, TABBY CAT, redlsh Electronics ENTRY LEVEL brown wblack stripes, vicinity of Waterman and Union, 664-2240. Construction MOTOR GRADER and back hoe operator. Experienced only. Also full asphalt construction crew.

Foreman, boxman, iuteman, roller man, experienced only. 225-8005. Hotel RESIDENCE INN BY MARRIOTT Now interviewing for Suite Attendants Morning Hostess. Several ositlons available. Great pav, enefits and atmosphere.

Please apply in person, 8-5 p.m. at: 1881 Craigshire Rd. West Port. No Phone Calls Please CHOICE SHIFTS Full or part-time with excellent starting salary. Benefit package includes iob security, medicaldental insurance, profit sharing, sick leave, attendance bonus and a Certified Nurse Aide Training Program.

Apply at the Beautiful Del-mar Gardens West, 13550 Outer 40 Woods Mill at Hwy. 40. E.O.E. INTERVIEWING 7DAYS A WEEK Banking INSTALLMENT LOAN OFFICER $50 Million Metro East Bank. Candidate should have minimum 5 years consumer loan experience.

Excellent opportunity. Salary commensurate with experience. Reply: INSTALLMENT LOAN OFFICER BOX C46 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, Mo.

63101 DRIVERS CALL US NOW TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR THE HOTTEST FLEET IN THE Before you plan a trip, turn to "Wake Up To Missouri" for great vacation ideas' A soeciai section Construct inn FOUND PETS AWAIT VOU! AT LOCAL ANIMAL SHELTERS Call "The Tracer of Lost Creatures, Inc." recording, 961-4455 for list of maior agencies to look for your tost pet. Dogs are held 5 days and cats for 2-3 davs USUALLY. Modern building. Supervised and assigned duties. Send resume to: Maintenance Supervisor BOX 625 POST-DISPATCH 900 N.

Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 that appears in Classified Travel Guide Sunday, "Wake Up To ANTI RAPE ACTIVIST SALARY SK5-OS0WK BEN One out of three women will be victims of sexual assault. Don't you think It's time to do something about It? Organize for tough rape lawsprevention programs, For interview call ACORN 531-6617 between 9 and 1. OPERATIONSOFC.

MANAGER-Construction. Exp. with insurance, billing, accounts payable. Knowledge of finance ond statement presentation. Send resume to: Construction BOX 481 POST-DISPATCH 900 N.

Tucker, St. Louis, MO 63101 BANK TELLER TRAINING. See ad under Continuing Education Teller Training Inst. 621-2588. Missouri spotiignts vacation sites across the state.

You'll find information on lodging, with listings from hotels, motels and rnn- FIELD SERVICE WEEK CO. VEHICLE Be trained in-house for several weeks then In the field bv Sr. Tech to install maintain sophisticated electronic equipment. Your electronics training from college, military or tech school and vour electro-mechanical skills could open this door of opportunity now I GENERAL EMPLOYMENT professional employment service 231-7400 720 Olive Suite 602 MAINTENANCE With AC and heating preferred. Plumbing, carpentry, general.

Cail 892-4221 LOST 7-23, female Doberman, brown and rust, blue collar, rabies tag. If found or seen please call, 742-2609, evesweekends, 235-0733 weekdays. Generous reward. Labadle-Gray Summit area BAR MANAGERBARTENERS WAITRESSES wanted. Experience necessary, Glances Nightclub.

Please call 434-8234 between 10am- dos. Plus, resort areas and recreational facilities. Turn to the Travel section each Sunday for "Wake Uo To Missou Apartment LEASING AGENT Need aggresive leasing agent for south county aot. community COOK, experienced, full time evening and weekend position. Call Goldenrod Showboat.

621-3311 hotel SALES MANAGER Newlv remodeled 160 room Davs Inn with 6,300 sq. ft. of conference facilities located in Columbia, Mo. has an immediate opening tor an experienced Sales Manager. The ideal candidate should have a hotel sales background and some catering sales.

We are a part of a progressive hotel chain with over 40 properties. Excellent potential for advancement for a job well done. Full company benefits including vacation, maior medical, expenses, etc. For a confidential interview please coll: 314-445-8511 ask for Sales Office. 2pm, ask for Hannah.

ri!" BEAUTICIAN Busy shop, large MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Major corporation expanding In the St. Louis area. No experience necessary. S12.00hour plus bonuses. Full or part-time.

Trained in sales, marketing, and management. In St. Charles, 949-0998, Brentwood, 962-8819. Fee POST-DISPATCH CLASSIFIED waik-in clientele, wuumo. o-youi LOST CAT, near Kingsbury ond Kingsland, in University City, Brown rabbit-like fur and white chin.

Reword! Please call 721-5268. NURSE ASSISTANTS ALL SHIFTS No experience needed. Starting salary 14.50hour. Free life insurance, medical and dental benefits, paid vocation, holidays ond sick leave, profit sharing. Free CNA training program.

Earn while you learn. Work in a very prestigious nursing center. Become a professional. Piease apply in person. ClAYTON ON THE GREEN 15197 Clavton Rd.

IRnllwinl COOKS Sunset Country Club. 2 Cooks, 3 vrs. classic menu, Pantry, eves. Contact Chef Compione, 843-1100 after 1 P.M. BEAUTICIAN-Full or part time.

NEW WALK-IN '88 PETE'S AND KW'S ARRIVING NOW TOR THE BEST LEASEOPTION PROGRAM IN THE INDUSTRY. New premium tractors High mileage operation Profit sharing program You must have 1 year OTR experience and be at least 25 to qualify (23 with clean MVR). NEED QUALIFIED DRIVERS FOR FLATBED DIVISION WITH OR WITHOUT TRUCKS. 417-866-8631 ELECTRONICS POSITIONS GENERAL EMPLOYMENT employment service 231-7400 Guarantee plus commission. Busy 4515 Child CareDay Camps Shop.

mancnester. Mi-yjus. Beautician: Fantastic Sam's offers best opportunity, training, pay, ad- LOST DOG 1500 REWARD BICHON FRISE small white curly haired dog, looks like poodle or peekapoo, tall curled up, mole, 2 heartbroken children. Please return our dog! 872-7779, 973-2205, 291-2200 vertismg. Toik to us first! WI-UVJU CHILDCARE needed for twins 2 years old.

If your daycare home is near Foster Medical that's off Earth City Expressway call; 618-397-3978 ask for Toni. Iweenenasl Excellent poy, APARTMENT MANAGER ASSISTANT Opening at large North County complex for energetic Individual with leasing and office skills including typing. Must have a pleasing personality and enjoy working with the public. Previous apartment experience helpful, Send resume with salary requirements Manager, P.O. Box 14948, St.

Louis, Mo. 63178 Equal Employment Opportunity Corrugated Die Cut Stripper Slitter Helper and Utility Skills. Press Operator-Press Helper. Reply to: CORRUGATED BOX 450 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St.

Louis, Mo. 63101 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Wall Street Investment Firm is seeking qualified personnel to fill management trainee position. Cail Jim Cowden 314-991-2086 Beautician SHAMPOO ASSISTANT: 532 2534 Engine Builders 351-2400 426-4004 Tech school grad welcome. Several needed now. Coll JOB MART (fee) BEAUTICIAN South side, 5160 guarantee, 481-9815.

LOST: Female English Setter White wblk. spots, 626, Butler Hill HOUSEKEEPER Large Ladue home needs efficient hardworking person to do heavy cleaning Own transportation needed. Serious inquiries only. Call 965-3080, after 5pm. BABYSITTING, my home, fullpart time, loving mother, convenient location, very reasonable rates.

Call 677-5060. CORRUGATEO LETTER PRESS OPERATORS Kenn kos. vvaku. sn fM Full and port time, i-uaev. Mix blackbrown female dog, 5 mo.

old, blue collar, Lost on 75. Bulwer near Broadway 8 E. Grand. Needs COUNTER HELP for No. County video store, full and part time.

Send 33 vr. old college graduate w3 mo. infant, offering tender loving child-care in her north county home. Ref. avaii.

521-4972 HOUSEKEEPER Wanted: Full time, 40 hrs.wk., 892-4221 medicine, m-vm. Reword. Beauticians PRECISION CUT INC. Learn what there is to know about hair and look into the future with color. An excellent opportunity for the right designer.

Part time, Mon. and Fri. 9 to 4:30. Wed. and 4:30 to 8:30.

Call or send resume. 434-6341, 13017 Olive Arcade, Creve Coeur, Mo. 63141 MANAGMENT SALESMANAGEMENT CAREER OPPORTUNITY FIVE TRAINEES We are seeking Individuals with a desire tor: Interest or experience in public IN-HOME chi id ca re needed for 2 engineer STRUCTURAL ENGiNERR To head drafting and engineer department for construction company in groin and feed industry. Experience required. Send resume to: PMI, Highway 69 North, Ames, Iowa 50010.

resume to: Counter Help BOX 658 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 BABYSITTING my home. 2 years or older in Pevely area.

1-479-7590 ask for Pom. children 7om-5pm, re-Quest references. Call 275-7318 APARTMENT MANAGER Resident manager needed for 160 unit apartment community In south county. 2 yrs. experience preferred In all phases of leasing and management.

Salary based on experience. Send resume to: APT. MGR P.O.Box MO 63366 PART German Shepherd Dog, female, approx. 40 approx. 1 yr.

old, long coat wdark sable colors, no collar, lost July 17, Hwy Fise Fort Zumwalt Park area, EWARD. call 553-3203, ask for Debbie, after 6pm 272-4670. Drivers Drive an Ice Cream Vending Truck In County areas. No experience necessary. We train.

Cash paid daily. Season-end bonus. Full-time Must be 18 or older with valid driver license. Apply 12-3 p.m. M-F at 7579Mintert Industrial Drive.

(Just off Bermuda Road. Yi miles north of 70 in Ferguson). 522-0765 LICENSED day care home, ages 2-8, exp. pre-school teacher. 664-2348 BEAUTICIAN5 We are looking for new and neat Beauticians.

Start immediately. New graduates welcome. If inter- ESTIMATOR Structural steel and misc. iron, send resume to: Troian Iron Works, P. O.

Box 7825. St. Louis, MO 63106 COUNTER HOSTHOSTESS Full time, 5 davs, frinoe benefits, good starting salary, apply in person: One Hour Martinlzing, 11042 Olive Blvd. 4525-Care For The Aged INSTALLERS INSTALLERS To install above-ground pools. $900 per installation.

Lots of available work. Must be experienced and have own truck. Call 1-800-448-0414 INSTRUCTOR Daytime instructor needed for 44C5 Personals esieo can Hart, WILL care for elderly womon In mv home, 20 yrs. experience. Excel.

References. Call llene, 427-5340. Equal Opportunity Employer MEDICAL OFFICE BOOKKEEPER Clayton location. Knowledge ot medical InsuranceMedicare and computer billing. Full time or port time position.

Reply In confidence with resume to: Medical Office Bookkeeper BOX F42 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. MEDICAL OFFICE RECEPTIONIST NEEDED Must have recent medical office Experience. Send resume to: MEDICAL BOX 603 POST-DISPATCH 900 N.

Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 Medical OPHTHAIMIC ASSISTANT TRAfNEE To learn technical assisting duties for ophthalmologist. Would also learn contact lens dispensing. Full time, varied hours.

Must have own transportation, some between office travel. Fringe benefits, iend resume to: Trainee, 135 W. Adams, Suite 204, Klrkwood, MO 63122. medical ORTHOPEDIC PHYSCIAL THERAPIST AND ASSISTANT Full time staff position in a busy private out-patient office. Emphasis on orthooedics.

soorts Injuries, BOOKKEEPER, must be experienced with AR and AP. Drefer ex Drivers APARTMENT MANAGER Couple to manage S. Co. complex iAffton). Must have administrative i maintenance abilities.

Salary commensurate wexperience. Reply to: Apartment Manager BOX 833 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, MO 63101 FACTORY Care for person in private home, 3 meals, laundry, South, 771-2637. contact.

Desire for mgmt in 90 days. 'Leadership ability. To become financially independent. 1st. mo.

income guarantee. 4 day work week. average 1st yr. income. Position involves overnight travel.

For more information and appointment call Bob Gilbertson between 8 a.m.-Noon and 7 p.m. 9 p.m. 314-434-0100. perience on PC. S9GQmo.

Call for COUNTER PERSON WILL TRAIN Permanent, full-time. Good wage, benefit. WESTWAY CLEANERS 9893 MANCHESTER Business Math and Personal Development classes. Contact Mr. Sellers I LL care for elderly man or worn-on.

Experienced, Calf 428-2359. at 832-5300, 426-4004 351-2400 INSTRUCTORS and RECEPTION APPOINTMENT CLERKS CABINETMAKERINSTALLER 2 vrs. minimum experience. Custom wood and formica cabinets, counters, book cases. 40 hrs.

Pay D.O.E. References, 773-7030 5515-ResumtWrititig Svcs, Assembly, industrial maintenance Laborers, Call JOB MART (fee) ISTS needed for Vic Tanny Int'l COURIER Security License. City. Top pay 867-1125 M.XJnr. CPU M-7V53 ADOPTION Young, white, well educated, financially secure, happily married couple, desperately desires to adopt newborn, to share their lives with.

Promise to your baby-EVERY ADVANTAGE THAT LIFE HAS TO OFFER-but most of all LOTS LOTS OF LOVE. Financial help can legaliy be provided by attorney including all medical bills, legal fees, housinfl, food, maternity clothes and counseling if desired. Please Think Adoption Confidential, call collect: (305) 344-6662 women ciud. r-un ana part-time. A-l SUCCESSFUL RESUME CO.

APT. RESIDENT MANAGER dayeveningweekend positions FACTORY JOBS Available Now CALL 421-1688 B.LOEHR TEMPORARIES ovanaDie. Appiv in person, won. 7393 Forsvth, Clayton, MO. CUSTOMER SERVICE Working for a national company.

Individual will handle varied duties to include telephone orders, general office work. Send resume to: P.O. Box 21518, St. Louis, Mo. 63132.

CADCAM OPERATOR Mechanical tool and design. One year experience on UGII required. Benefits. Send resume: CADCAM OP. BOX 757 POST-DISPATCH 900 N.

Tucker, St. Louis, Mo. 63101 Mature couple to manage moderate sized prolect, North St. Louis county. Salary open plus furnished apartment.

No experience re-Quired. Reply to: Apt. Resident Manager BOX 787 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St. Louis, Mo.

63101 SUPERIOR RESUME WORD POWER for Great JOBS Frank Weitner.M.A. English Reviewed by Post 8. Globe. 25 Years A Great Resumeist. Resumes That Demand Answers 721-1288 Manufacturing ASSISTANT PLANT MANAGER Well established West St.

Louis County manufacturer is seeking an experienced manager to ossume the responsibilities of Assistant KEITH, KEN and NEIL: Going to the ake again we re going to Mill CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK Process paper work. Wait on customers. Good communication skills. Small co. Southside.

Send resume with salary ond history to: P.O. Box 18608, St. Louis, Mo. 63118 stone again soon. The girls from the trucking company in Kansas Carpentry Construction, Concrete Construction 6-18 776-1230 Start Now! Full time.

No exp. needed (fee) Must start Immediately! JOB -MART, Inc. Noexp. ASSEMBLY Aircraft parts, electronics more 151 2400 JOB MART (fee) CMOM city would like to hear trom vou. MUNSON TRANSPORTATION NATIONALLY RANKED CARRIER NOW HIRING OTR DIRVERS (30,000 Yearly Company Paid Insurance Time al Home Program Slable Secure Company Excellent Equipment Friendly People CALL NOW 1-800-423-7629 IUSI l-SOO-654-1961 (IL) Mondav Fridav 7 5 Saturday 8-12 loii paiiv ai ifrozwwv.

ACTION Up. Free Consultation Professional Resume Service DOWNTOWN 241-7254 CLAYTON 726-0999 FLORISSANT 921-5003 DIVORCED White male, 37 vrsold, CUSTOMER SERVICE REP $5-6. Several opngs, several types. 351 2400 JOB MART (fee) 426-4004 home owner, business owner, tikes employment Lisnng service oil outdoor activities, wants to cor respond. Write: P.O.

Box 1257, Flo- Dancers SOLID GOLD Type Dancers, free to travel. Send resume to: P.O. Box 21044, St, Louis, MO 63121. rl5sant, wu qjuji. Assembly-Packers, Machinists, for Factory $7-13 Full time steady! Must be able to start immediately! 776-1230 (fee) Noexp, needed! S5-S16per exp 774-1230 Stort Now JOB-MART, Inc.

DES PERES 821-7281 ranty problems with a 1984-1987 Chrysler Charger? Please send info nam Manager, inausiriai engineering background with a working knowledge of methods, processing and tooling related to screw machines, turret lathes, NC equipment, secondary operations and welding helpful. Areas of responsibility will include supervising foremen of screw machine, turret lathes and NC equipment, secondary operations and welding departments. If vou meet the above requirements, send resume and CAR RENTAL AGENT Mature, responsible person to work full time evenings, 3pm-1 Sun-Thurs, Car rental experience preferred. Clerical skills helpful. Appiv in person, American int'l Rent A Car, 10480 Natural Bridge, across from St.

Louis Airport. DP CONSULTANTS Immediate Openings EDP ASSOCIATES 432-8448 or contact iteve at: K.u. box iumj, St. Louis, Mo. 63129 Emptoymeni Listing service GAY FEMALE, 5'2, 125 married to male mid 30s, 510, 170 lbs.

and industrial programs. Excellent salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Send resume to: 701 W. Temple, Effingham, IL 62401 Call 217-342-2100. Medical PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE Part time, steady.

Good salary for experienced person. Appiv at the Beautiful DELMAR GARDENS WEST, 13550 South Outer 40 Woods Mill at Hwy. 40. E.O.E. medical REGISTERED NURSE Full time.

Residential school setting-special education. Weekends holidays off. Benefits. Apply between 8:00 and 4:30, Missouri School For The Blind, 3815 Magnolia, 776-4320. EOE FMHV Medical RNLPN's Applications now being accepted from ambitious RN's and LPN's with excellent long term core.

Nursing Assessment Skills for new 102 bed SNFICF Health Care Facility. Excellent starting salary and benefits. Contact Rosewood Care Center, 100 Rosewood Village Dr Swansea, IL 62220, 61B-236-1391, Attn: Valerie Kempf, Administro-tor. EOE MFHV AUDIT CLERK seeks correspondence. Reply with phone number to: P.O.

Box 9134, St. Louis, MO 63117. DATA PROCESSING Local employment opportunity with growing company. 1 year or more experience with Unlvac data entry, IBM-EAM and PCs. Competitive benefits.

Phone Jim: CASHIERS needed full and part time days and eves, wknds. included. Apply in person, Pine Lawn Shell, 4600 Jennings Sta. Rd. ot 1-70 or Gateway Shell, 721 N.

Tucker or Goodfellow Shell, 4903 Goodteliow STRAIGHT, divorced, white, male, J7 vrs. 5'9. 175, non smoker, home AMERICAN RESUME JOB WINNING RESUMES $15 up. From entrv level to exec, positions. We do It all.

FREE CONSULTATIONS ALTON 462-1375 3rd Henry St. ST. ANN 427-6206 10015 St. Charles Rock Rd. ST.

CHARLES 947-3727 1360 S. 5th St. Highschool Grad with accounting experience. Downtown. City residency required.

$1245mo. for 37,5 hr.week plus fringe benefits. EOE. Submit resume to: AUDIT CLERK BOX 227 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St.

Louis, Mo. 63101 owner, good iob. Reply wphone- ot I-70. 1440 Angei us, t-iorissant, ojuji. ADOPTION DRIVERS NEEDED Good oav, best equipment.

Must be 25, DOT qualified, 2 years over the road verifiable, call 1-800-333-4473. DALLAS CARRIERS salary history to: Attn: General Manager STANDARD MACHINE AND MANUFACTURING CO. 10014 Big Bend Blvd. (At 1-44 Exill St. louis, Missouri 63122 Southern California white couple DELIVER THE ONE AND ONLY SOUTHWESTERN BELL YELLOW PAGES Men and women over 18 with auto liability insurance are needed to deliver the One and Only Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages in areas where they live.

Carriers are needed for the St. Louis Metro Area including Jefferson and St. Charles County and excluding East St. Louis. If available at least 5 daylight hours, weekdays, call between 8:00 a.m.

and 4:00 p.m. weekdays. 993-0025 In West County call 527-9133 seeks to aaopt neaimy imam. Call collect 618-710-1856 AUTO BODY AND MECHANIC Towing driver, dismantles fuli and port time. 522-353S, 522-9880.

Christian radio station KXEN now accepting applications tor part time announcing staff. Minimal experience acceptable. Need applicants for possible daily and weekly air shifts. 8 to 25 hours available per week.6am-8pm. Send resume audition tape to KXEN, 1 Parkside Pla-la, 1430 Olive St.

Louis, 63103. An Equal Opportunity Employer Data Processing Opportunity in progressive corporation for ENTRY LEVEL MICRO-PROGRAMMER. MSDOS ex- Eerience, Novell network nowledge helpful.Resume. Programmer BOX 699 POST-DISPATCH 900 N. Tucker, St.

Louis, Mo. 63101 ATTRACTIVE, STRAIGHT, open-minded white male seeks correspondence. P.O. Box 801 Eureka, AUTO BODY Person, experienced. Call 899-0954 DRIVERSOVER THE ROAD St.

Louis based comoonv requires Driver 2 Yrs. verifiable experience, good driving record. Coll (3141 385-1678 COVER LETTERS RESUMES Business Writing I7I-81M SECRET OF SUCCESS Westport MARRIED WHITE MALE AUTO MECHANIC Experienced only. Own tools. West County area.

Call Keith 469-6588. 5525 Help To Exchange 42 open minded, mature, safe, friendly seeks correspondence. Box 29344, St. Louis, MO 63126. ADULT-rent cheap for coin laun-drv responslbllitv-ref.

772-38M. PRISONER, 28 yr. old male seeks correspondence, Write: T. Craig, 42753, M.E.C.C., 4-B-21, 18701 Old Hwy 66, Pacific, MO 63069-9799. Drivers OVER THE ROAD DRIVERS Leading auto transporter needs experienced tractortrailer drivers.

Must be 21 vears old and able to meet all D.O.T. requirements. Resume, or call for an appt. Mon-Frl. Submit full and complete address ot all past employers.

Complete Auto Transit, Inc. 655 Parr Rd. Wentivllle, MO. tIM5 AUTOMOBILE SALESPERSON Experienced person for high volume used car sales. Your chance to loin one of the strongest teams In the industry.

Top pay plan and demo furnished. Apply in person at All State Motors, 320 S. Florissant. Ask for Gene or Jim. mature for chores, limited care for elderly lodv.

S)00wk free room board. Combinations, fee, 997-3970 WOULD vou like to be the quiet explorer of unchartered worlds? Try Soul Travel. ECKANKAR. Coll 721-9762 Medlcol aide, live-In, mature for It, household chores, limited care for elderly lady. $100wk free room board, Combinations, fee, 997-3970 DEAR JIM I LOVE YOU FOREVER LOVE RUTH 5535 Situations Wanted Food Service FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR Health Services Corporation of America, a notion wick group purttiatlng program for over 1 200 healthcort offer a unique opportunity for the exceptional candidate poiMHing xpflrtenc in.

Food Distribution Saks to, or xptTMnce within, hospital dietary department. Negotiating Skills As Director of Food Services, you wiD be responsible ton Developing regional food contracts Conducting regional meetings Disseminating information to membership Monitoring distributor compliance Selling to prospective accounts your skills meet our needs, pleoie send your resume, wHh salary history HSCA FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR PO OX IM Cap OlrardMHi, MO 63701-16t Automotive TRUCK SALES Experienced truck sales people wanted at Kribs Ford City, one of the nation's argest Ford Dealers. Benefits include liberal commission plan, company car, Erofit sharing. You must hove automo-ile experience, good driving record, and the desire to earn $30,000 per year. Call Frank Williams between 1 0 1 1 on Thursday, Friday, Saturday at Kribs Ford City, 10700 Page at Warson.

429-4455. drivers OWNER OPERATORS Midwest piggyback operation. 85 loaded, 75 empty, 2500 mi. per week, weekly settlements. Call Trans-Continental 1-800-543-6688 BOOKKEEPING SERVICES And Light Typing 772-1465 GAY WHITE Male, 25, seeks to correspond.

Write P.O. Box 154, Doni- phan, MU. fl-iv-ia CLEAN your home, office, etc. Ex-perience, references. 863-2790.

Automotive RETAIL AUTOMOBILE SALESPERSON Experienced professional Retail Automobile Salesperson requested to sell new Oldsmobiies. 1-270 location. Pav plan to 36. Medical, dental, dependent insurance benefit? furnished. Company car.

Call tor an appointment. John Deatherage CHARLES BROCK OLDS 921-6111 RUTHIE been looking for you. Call me at my number at Electro-Mechanical Engineers looking for sub contracting pro- o. STRAIGHT, married white male, 42, is bored and lonely. Write: P.O.

Box 9345, St. Louis, Mo. 63117 FOR THE FINEST HOUSEKEEP-ING CALL ANN, 645-3066. DRIVERS Pro Driver's has Immediate openings tor qualified cross country drivers. Minimum age 24, with 2 years OTR and 1 year reefer.

Must be DOT qualified witha good MVR. Cail (901) 357-1093 or 1-800-255-8968 ask for Debbie or Don. SURVEY OF HOUSE or OFFICE cleaning wanted, mature woman, honest, dependable, 296-2140 MES5IANIC BELIEF CALL 731-4910..

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.